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6 Ways to Make Your Business More Secure

Author: undefined Published: 2nd November 2020 11:54

Protecting their assets and employees is critical for any business. Securing your business protects your company from potential theft, crime, misconduct and dangers. Furthermore, a safe and secure environment makes employees feel more confident and motivated. This applies to companies of all size, from small businesses to large corporations.

Companies that don’t take sufficient steps to secure and protect their business can invite unwanted risks and threats. Here are 6 ways to make your business more secure.

Install CCTV Cameras

Installing CCTV cameras is often the first step towards securing your business since it plays an important role in keeping burglars and thieves away from your office. Placing CCTV cameras in the office premises will tackle two issues simultaneously. CCTV cameras are not only useful to review thefts, accidents or crime but also make employees and visitors conscious of being watched which puts them on their best behaviour.

CCTV cameras ensure a safe and secure work environment. It is important to carefully select key areas to place CCTV cameras to ensure the best possible surveillance of your office. CCTV can also be connected to your mobile phone or tablet so you can check the footage even when you are away from the office.

Erase Hard Drives

Make sure to erase the hard drives completely before you discard your old computers. Computer hard drives are usually loaded with confidential information which should not be disclosed to outsiders. Erasing hard drives is important to avoid any data loss or information leaks which can pose a threat to the smooth functioning of the business.

The office copier can also store files on the hard drive until they are overwritten, so you need to be careful when disposing of photocopiers or other office equipment. As part of proper security protocols, you should back up and then erase all hard drives in computers and any other office equipment before selling or otherwise disposing of them.

Vehicle Access Control System

Maintaining a track record of the vehicles in your company parking lot as well as identifying authorized vehicles on entry and exit is highly pivotal for security. Adopting automated systems protects your business from human error in monitoring and identifying intruders or other dangers. This technology can be used for individual tracking systems as well as vehicle tracking systems.

Most of these systems allow you to track vehicles and people within six to 12 metres, effectively checking the vehicle as well as the driver’s identities, preventing unauthorized vehicles or people from entering the premises. This tech also has the ability to read electronic ID cards inside the vehicle as long as the vehicle is moving at a controlled speed. This helps in ensuring traffic flow, minimizing delays, as well as avoiding damage to or theft of assets.   

Appoint a Floor Marshal

Hiring a floor marshal is essential to secure your business against intruders. It is difficult to recognize each contractor, vendor or employee, especially in larger organisations. Employees are busy with their own work and will not put in any additional effort to question anyone who doesn’t look familiar.

Intruders are generally aware of this and can take advantage of the situation. They can easily enter any area of the company and gain access to confidential data or cause harm to employees and visitors. Therefore, appointing a floor marshal is important to safeguard your business from intruders.

Visitor’s List

It is equally important to secure your business against potential threats or intruders by maintaining a systematic visitor’s list at all entry and exit points. Visitor control is imperative because anyone who visits your site may damage or steal your property, or hurt themselves or others. On the other hand, there are many clients, suppliers and other visitors who have no ulterior motives and should be allowed access to your site.

It is therefore important to allow visitors, but to note down essential information including their name, the name of the company they are representing, the purpose of their visit, who they are meeting with and the duration of their visit. Noting down these details of each visitor is essential so that it’s easier to trace them in the case of any suspected crime. It is best to take a photograph of every visitor and provide them with a photo ID badge before entering the premises so that their face is also registered in the visitors’ log.

Enable VPN

Setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows employees to connect to the company network in a safe and secure manner. VPN’s are considered to be the safest type of network as they encrypt information as it is sent over Wi-Fi. This helps in avoiding unapproved access to the information while in transit.

VPN’s are useful for safely sharing data among employees since it only allows access to the concerned employees. Companies that have remote employees also find VPN’s useful since they can have access to internal files without exposing the company’s data. 

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Heathrow taxi
At 15:27 on 7th February 2021, Heathrow taxi commented:
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LHT Heathrow taxis are comprehensively insured with unlimited third-party liability. If buses and motor coaches cannot access a particular kind of terrain, we advise our clients to take minivans and SUVs instead. Above all we have very cooperative staff always ready to help you with the best of their advice.
Have a great day,

London Heathrow Taxi

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