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Dig deep! The Festival of Archaeology returns

Published: 11th July 2012 06:50

From metal work demos to excavations, South Gloucestershire Council's Festival of Archaeology returns for a fourth year from Saturday 14 July to Sunday 29 July.

We are supporting the British Festival of Archaeology with five events in South Gloucestershire which includes a grand finale at Winterbourne Barn featuring a range of historic re-enactments and archaeological activities you can have a go at, such as building recording and flint knapping.

 Acton court


 Paul Driscoll, the council's community archaeology officer and part-time archaeology tutor at the University of Bristol, said: "South Gloucestershire has a rich and varied archaeological heritage, even if it is as not well known as other places. From Iron Age hill forts to Roman towns, Saxon churches, medieval barns, Tudor courtier mansions, industrial brassworks, collieries and WWII defences, South Gloucestershire has a wealth of archaeological sites on offer.

"And whether you've found some beautiful pottery in your garden or dusted off some old photographs of South Glos which were hidden away in your loft, you can upload images of your finds to our facebook page www.southglos.gov.uk/facebook and join in our festival of archaeology."

So if you want to learn more about your local heritage and the special archaeology the area has to offer, bring the family along to the following events:

Lower Hazel Excavations at Lower Hazel, Olveston

Wednesday 18 July and Wednesday 25 July, 10am-4pm

Come and participate in excavations at a post-medieval chapel.

Thornbury's Historic Landscape at Sheiling School, Thornbury

Sunday 22 July, 10.30am or 2pm

Guided walk around the estate with a visit to an excavation

Archaeology Days at Yate Heritage Centre, Yate

Wednesday 25 July; Thursday 26 July & Friday 27 July (all) 10.30am-4.30pm

Archaeological events taking place at Yate Heritage Centre include Roman History Day, Potions and Plagues and a discover Archaeology Day.

Archaeology of Acton Court at Acton Court, Iron Acton

Sunday 29 July, 2pm

Take a guided tour of Acton Court, the house, grounds and archaeology (cost £8/6 concessions)

Archaeology Day at Winterbourne Barn, Winterbourne

Sunday 29 July, 10am-4pm

Fantastic day of archaeology including metal working demonstration, historic re-enactment, kids activities, walks and tours, practical archaeology and even have a go at flint knapping.

Visit www.southglos.gov.uk/facebook to discover more about your local heritage or go to www.southglos.gov.uk/festarch for more details about the festival.


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