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Film Review - Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Author: Jonny Potts Published: 20th September 2010 21:47

Step into the ring and get ready to face the pixelated, retro world of one Mr Scott Pilgrim ( Michael Cera ) !!

That's right; director Edgar Wright (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) has once again crafted a cinematic gem and shot it full-force into theatres worldwide with an impact so shattering you could probably see it from space!

posterWell, maybe that's a slight exaggeration. But it is good!

Based upon the bestselling manga series by Bryan Lee O'Malley, Scott Pilgrim mixes together elements of video games, comic books, music, films, and just about everything that makes a totally enjoyable experience!

But what of the plot, I hear you ask? Coming right up...

Well, Scott Pilgrim is a 23 year-old bass player in a band called Sex Bob-Omb (a huge Super Mario reference.) He's currently dating 17 year-old Knives Chau (Ellen Wong) and his life is hunky-dory.

However, then he falls for delivery-girl Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) - who usually takes shortcuts directly through Scott's mind whenever she travels through subspace - and becomes determined to win her affection! In order to do so, he must defeat her seven evil exes.

Enter evil ex numero uno- Mathew Patel (Satya Bhabha) a gothic-haired fashion freak with mystical powers who can summon evil hipster chicks with a click of his fingers. This is probably my favourite performance of the movie, as it is so over exaggerated you can't help but like the poor guy.

The second ex is movie star and skateboarder, Lucas Lee (Chris Evans.) This is again a very memorable and funny performance and is favoured by many who see the film.

Evil ex three is Todd Ingram (Brandon Routh) a psychic vegan who plays bass in the band Clash at Demonhead, and is the current boyfriend of Scott's own ex girlfriend, Envy Adams (Brie Larson). Another very enjoyable performance.

The fourth ex is Roxanne Ritcher (Mae Whitman) a self-conscious half-ninja and Ramonas' only ex-girlfriend. It was just a phase !

The fifth and sixth evil exes are Kyle and Ken Katayanagi (Shota and Keita Saito), two Japanese twins and probably the least interesting of all the evil exes, mainly because they don't really do or say anything.

The seventh evil ex is Gideon Gordon Graves (Jason Schwartzman) an evil record producer and founder of The League of Evil Exes. When he is finally defeated, Scott and Ramona can finally be together and the movie draws to a close.

Scott Pilgrim is the hero of his own little world, and now a favourite with the fans! Hoorah!

Overall, this film is very funny, features very good performances (nothing new from Cera, though) and delivers state-of-the-art special effects. I award it 8 exp points out of 10.



Jonny Potts, age 14.


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