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SEPT Recruiting for Carers Course

Author: Dee Hunnie, SEPT Published: 3rd May 2013 12:38

South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) are running a new course for Carers living in Bedfordshire.

Your Health, Your Life is a free course aiming to give carers the opportunity to learn new skills to help them to cope with their caring situation, develop the confidence to take more control of their life and to meet with others who share similar experiences. The course runs for 6 weeks from 5 August to 16 September 2013, and is one 2½ hour session a week, delivered by carers who have trained to be tutors to help other carers. The course will be held at:

Group Room, Crombie House, 36 Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1HJ

Each session will help carers understand core subjects such as: relaxation; how to become better communicators; what rights carers have and why exercise and eating healthily will help them undertake their roles and responsibilities easier. One of the weekly sessions includes training in basic first aid and manual handling skills.

Those eligible are Carers who are giving help and support to a relative or friend, those who are ill, disabled, elderly or in need of emotional support. Carers may care full time or for a few hours per week, all that matters is that they care and are over 18 years of age.

To book a place please contact Stephen Rabbitts, SEPT Carers Operational Lead via email stephen.rabbitts@sept.nhs.uk or call 01277 265353.

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