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Get Ready For Your Holiday

Published: 8th May 2013 12:11
  • Get Ready For Your HolidayChoose from French, Spanish and Italian
  • Learn some useful phrases to help you communicate while you are away
  • Get a flavour of the language and country before your holiday
Join a 5 week course before your holiday

We have a number of 5 week courses starting in June 2013 which are ideal for complete beginners or people with a small amount of knowledge of the language.  These short courses offer the perfect opportunity to learn some basic greetings and polite phrases to help when introducing yourself, eating out, getting directions and more.

Gain useful skills and update your CV

Many jobs require people to be able to communicate with clients in a foreign language, get your CV to the top of the pile by completing one of these short courses and gain useful foreign language skills which will also show your commitment to continual personal development.

If you are unemployed and claiming benefits you may be able to enrol on the some of the language courses for free.

(image: CBC) 


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