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Author: Cheryl Published: 30th April 2011 08:32


The success of the group at Buckden means it has grown to two sessions in time for the summer months! They are again taking part in the community "lets beat it campaign" which is raising awareness about healthy eating for the family. Last year when they took part the group and individuals had a huge success. In Huntingdonshire alone an incredible loss of 912st 4lbs THAT'S 5.7 TONS or the equivalent to the back end of a ten-ton bus was achieved.
With the new double sessions, lighter nights and summer on its way they are now getting ready for the BBQ/Holiday/Picnic season sharing different ideas each week that can be shared and enjoyed with all the family. The new sessions are now Thursday nights at 5.30 p.m. & 7.30 p.m. at the Millennium Community Hall, Burberry Road. If anyone is interested just come along for a warm welcome or contact Cheryl on 01487 814398


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