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9 Tips for a Home Makeover

Published: 7th August 2019 17:48

When it comes to a home makeover, you may need to make small, decorative improvements, large changes to the structure itself, or both! Whether your property is feeling a little tired and you’re looking for tips to freshen it up, or if you’re planning a serious re-evaluation of your entire home, below are some great tips to help you along the way, whether big changes or small.

1.    Formulate a Budget

Before you do anything, it’s a good idea to have a plan regarding how much you’re willing to spend. This will obviously be significantly different if you’re looking for big home improvements or just looking to add a few more decorative features, but even with the less expensive decisions, it’s a good idea to have a budget on how much you’re willing to spend on ornaments and artwork, for example.

For the larger renovation decisions, these will need careful planning and price comparison research. Even if you cannot afford everything you want to do for your property right now, you may be able to afford one significant structural change now until you can afford the rest. The only way you’ll know is if you budget correctly!

2.    Update the Windows

Having the correct windows in place in your property can make a huge difference, not only aesthetically, but in terms of saving money on your energy bills, too. A window update can also add significant value to your property if you come to sell, so if your makeover plans are primarily focused on adding value to your home, then updating the windows is a good place to start.

Having the right windows can also encourage a better (and healthier) source of natural light, which means your home will feel lighter, brighter and you won’t have the need to switch on those lightbulbs as often as you might already.

UPVC windows and double glazing are great options for long-term durability and an attractive finish. You can find UPVC Windows near me today.

3.    Add Fresh Flowers and Plants

This is very easy to do and doesn’t require any hard work on rearranging a room or moving heavy furniture. Adding natural plants to any room can immediately make it look more organic, attractive and healthy, and it will work wonders in refreshing the air and helping the environment. There are so many flower and plant options available that you can really get creative with it, especially with colours and plant varieties, whether floor-standing plants or small desktop plants.

4.    Upgrade Your Furniture

This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go out and buy a large number of new furniture items. Upgrading your furniture means you can really get creative with the items you already have, and design them around how you want your room to look. Maybe you purchased the furniture for a previous property and it now doesn’t match your new room, or perhaps you’re just bored of the way it looks and are seeking a way to freshen it up.

You can look into various furniture paints and accessories to update your items. If you have an old and tired bookcase, you could paint the inside back of it a bright, bold colour to make your books and items really pop. If you have old cupboards or drawers, you could purchase quirky new knobs and handles for them and really transform the look.

If you’re looking for a vintage feel, for example, chalk paint is a great way to update any item of furniture.

Updating what you already have will save you a lot of money in the long run, as you won’t have to pay for new furniture. Doing so is also a fun and inventive experience.

5.    Invest in Good Lighting

The right amount of lighting angled correctly can transform any room. Whether you have a dark room which doesn’t have many windows (or maybe not at all), or you’re just looking for some fashionable lamps, investing in good lighting is a purchase you will never regret.

Good lighting should also be practical: if you’re looking for a reading nook, it’s a good idea to consider an extendable floor lamp which can be positioned over a chair or your favourite spot. Or, if you have a large living space and you’re looking for a focal point light feature, you could invest in a makeshift chandelier or a fixture which truly has the wow-factor.

While you’re updating your light fixtures, it would be beneficial to switch to energy-saving lightbulbs if you haven’t already. Then not only will you have updated decorative lights, but you’ll be helping the environment, too.

6.    Paint the Ceiling

It’s often said that you should never paint the ceiling the same colour as your walls, and it’s mostly the case depending on your taste. Most of the time, a dark-coloured ceiling can result in a room feeling smaller than it is, and darker.

However, there’s no reason you can’t be creative with your ceiling paint. This may work best in rooms such as the bathroom, kitchen or hallway. If you opt for a lighter shade on the walls, or even bare white, you could paint the ceiling in bold shades such as deep blues or greens. Complete with an attractive light feature to make it pop.

7.    Replace Your Switch Plates

Most homes are fitted with the standard white light switches, and you get used to them after a while as something which is just accepted within your home – but why not update them? You could try shiny chrome or bronze options, or perhaps a fancy dimmer switch for your favourite room.

This is a good design option for the kitchen, which usually has the most plug sockets and switches.

Attractive, solid switch plates can make a room look more professionally finished.

It’s important to do your research when installing new switch plates, and you should consult a professional if you’re unsure regarding the electrical wiring.

8.    Update Your Fireplace

Having a fireplace as a focal point in a main living room is a luxury most people covet, and many people don’t have. Which is why, if you are lucky enough to have a large fireplace in one of your rooms, you should take full advantage of it. Having a dated and old fashioned fireplace can be as bad as not having one at all, so ensure it looks sleek and attractive.

Updating your fireplace could mean ripping out the old model and installing a completely new and modern system, or you could retain the original features and give them a fresh lick of paint or add some attractive ornaments.

If you don’t already have a mantelpiece, you could consider installing a shelf above the fireplace, which could be anything from a modern strip of wood to a wooden beam filled with character, depending on your tastes.

You could even make the proper checks to research whether your property is enabled to have a log-burning fireplace fitted instead of an electric model.

9.    Invest in a New Front Door

Having an attractive front door on your property can make a huge difference to its appeal, especially if you come to sell your home. A modern and stylish front door can transform a home’s look, and be a worthy investment in terms of a solid structure which eliminates drafts and heat escaping, therefore saving you money on energy bills too.

Choosing a solid option with extra locks also ensures the security of your home, and will add value to any property.


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