Author: Orion Waste | Published: 28th May 2012 11:55 |
April 22 was Earth Day and following on from that Lulu Robertson, Orion's Business Development Manager, gave a talk during assembly to the children to discuss the waste hierarchy and to get the children thinking about recycling and helping the environment.
During the assembly Lulu also launched a competition to design both sides of their RCV - asking the children to try and help Orion to cheer up the business men and women of London by providing a happy design that encouraged people to recycle. Lulu let the children know that she wanted their designs to be bold and graphical and to grab people's attention.
There will be two winners each of whom will have their image blown up and put on the side of the vehicle (as well as receiving book tokens); the runner's up in each category will receive book tokens.
Lulu Robertson says "I really enjoyed talking to the children and hearing what they already knew about waste and recycling. I am so looking forward to seeing what ideas they come up with for the side of our vehicle"
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