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How To Increase Productivity When Working On A Home Office

Author: undefined (Advertising Feature) Published: 24th September 2019 19:52

There is a lot of debate on whether working from home or office is more productive or not. People have different opinions and different levels of comfort. Working from is not deemed bad but it is actually quite enjoyable for some people who focus on their own space. Whether you work from home or office, the environment in which you are in has full effect on your productivity. At a home office, there can be a lot of distractions and it takes a lot of willpower to pull off working at home. Here is how you can increase productivity while working at home.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/D97n3LR5uN8

1. Choose the Quietest Place for Work

The ambient noise of your house can be distracting for many people. Working at home already requires a complete focus so the noise of a vacuum cleaner, the neighbor's dog barking or people having chit-chat can cause serious distractions. You can increase productivity by cutting off the outside world before they succeed in distracting you. Choose the home office room far away from the busiest room.

2. Keep Everything Close To You

Your workspace should only be big enough to accommodate just the important things. The cozier your workspace is, the less you have to get up from your seat to acquire some documents. Make sure that the power socket is close for your phones and laptop to be charged, a bottle of water, a coffee maker and any other things you may find necessary.

3. Declutter Your Desk

It is very easy for a work desk to get messy in a short amount of time. Everyone likes a decluttered work desk because it makes it look cleaner and everything is organized. Decluttered desk has been medically proven to reduce stress while working. Shuffling through papers to find a single document can be frustrating that can add up to the tiredness by the end of the day.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/GaBDdA63GcQ

4. Get a Proper Seat

If you are not careful about your seat and sitting style, you are most likely to get back problems early in your life. Not only your health but your productivity is also affected if you are not comfortable. The less comfortable you are, the more it affects your mood and health in a negative way. Make sure that you invest in a good office chair that has good support for your back and your arms.

5. Improve your flooring

Believe it or not, flooring has a large impact on how we live and work at home. Some flooring gives off harmful chemicals while some others breed allergens. Imagine working in a place with dangerous toxic fumes or triggers your allergies. You can never focus at work. The flooring of your home office should be allergen-free, easy to maintain and most of all, doesn’t deteriorate your health. This is why natural wooden flooring is recommended. These floors are as close to nature as you can have. They do not breed allergens like carpets and practically super easy to maintain. Besides, they have a traditional look that never goes out of trend. 

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/RaYjMmmaSCA

6. Lighting

Invest in some good lighting as well because you don’t want your workplace to be in the dark. Buy a good work lamp and increase the source for natural light and add some greenery like plants to have a source of fresh air. A calming scent can also improve your mood and productivity when working at a home office. A soothing paint job can also lighten the mood and increase productivity.

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