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Pitfalls you need to avoid when creating content for your business website

Published: 26th December 2019 10:35

Running a business website is not a particularly easy task. You need to make sure that it complies with all of the regulations, for example, the GPDR data rules. 

You also have to regularly add new content. Doing this keeps your audience engaged and also helps you to rank. Once you get used to doing it, this can be a surprisingly enjoyable task. But there are several pitfalls you need to be aware of when creating content for a business website. As well as a few tricks that can use to make what you write more effective at selling what you have to offer.

Quote your sources to build trust with your audience

If you use research, quotes or facts and figures, take the time to tell your readers where you got them from. Doing this will make your site seem more authorative and grow trust. This free MLA citation tool makes getting this job done really easy. Once you get into the habit of gathering the data you need to complete each one, you will be able to create them very quickly. 

Using citations will also help to protect your reputation, within your industry. Nobody likes to see their work used be others, without any credit being given. Creating proper citations can help you to get around this issue.

Make sure you can legally use the work of others

However, you also need to be aware that simply stating where you got your information or images from may not be enough to enable you to legally use it on your website. 

If you do not make sure that you have the legal right to use something you could end up being sued. So, if you own a website, it is in your own interest to sit down with a lawyer and let them explain the ins and outs of the law to you. This will enable you to come up with some sort of checklist to use to make sure that everything is properly checked before you publish it.

Be aware of the liable and slander laws

You also need to be careful about what you say about others. Or, the claims you make regarding your products and services. So, when you sit down with a lawyer to discuss avoiding being accused of plagiarism, also talk to them about this.

Make sure that your content is pristine

It is all too tempting to quickly write an article and hit publish. But, usually, it is unwise to do this. Make sure that everything on your site is well-written and does not contain spelling or grammar errors. If it does, you will be surprised by how damaging this can be. 

An awful lot of people still feel irritated when they spot spelling errors. Many others believe that someone who publishes articles that include mistakes is not professional enough. As a result, they have a tendency to wonder if hiring them is a good idea, at least on a subconscious level.

If you are prone to making spelling and grammar errors be sure to use some sort of checking software. But, bear in mind that these are not perfect. They will miss a few of your mistakes. So, continue to educate yourself about how to avoid making the errors in the first place. This comprehensive article can be used to help you to do so.

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