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5 Ways To Ensure You Enjoy Your Retirement

Published: 13th May 2019 14:39


We all look forward to that day we put the working world behind us and finally retire, no more stress, no more commuting, no more morning alarms! It sounds like heaven! But it’s important to think about how you are going to enjoy your retirement as it might come as a shock at first as your routine of your whole adult life has just been turned on it’s head and  that’s not an easy thing to adjust to.

Have A Plan For What You Want To Do

What do you want to achieve out of your retirement? It is a good idea to have a thorough think and make lists and plans of things that would like to do or like to achieve and a description of how you might be able to achieve each of these, how much time they would take, what they would cost and then you can see what is realistic and what is a bit more of a stretch.

Think About Your Living Arrangements

It’s important to have a think about what you will do for living arrangements post-retirement, do you need the same size of house as when you were raising a family? This after all is an asset and if the family home is something you don’t want to let go of there is always the possibility of releasing equity from your property, you can get good advice and help on doing this from keyadvice.co.uk. You should also consider any mobility issues you might have or could develop later in life as if your property has stairs it could become less suitable when and if this happens.

Are Your Finances In Order?

You should consider whether or not your finances are in order for your retirement, is your pension set up dn ready to go, have you got it all sorted out? If not you should speak to a pensions advisor who can help ensure everything is set up as it should be to get the best return for you. The next thing to consider is do you have an up to date will made out, you should want to ensure that how your estate is divided up is sorted out and also instructions for your funeral and remains.

Consider Family Commitments Such As Grandchildren

You should think about what sort of family relationships you will be having once you retire, are your kids and grandchildren going to be near you? If they are you going to be doing any child care, caring for grandchildren is very common in retirement and you might get much from doing this.

Talk To Your Friends

To get an idea of how to plan your retirement it’s a good idea to talk to your friends and family to see what they are going to do with their retirements? This can give you good ideas to take on board and even make plans together to share in the much deserved social life you will have.

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