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The Secret Seed Society

Author: AboutMyArea HeadOffice Published: 10th June 2010 19:50
With the UK's obesity crisis rocketing, this week the Secret Seed Society went on a UK tour, making another bid to encourage a healthier, happier generation, enticing children away from eating junk and processed food. 

Within the last seven days their vegetable circus of storytelling, drama, singing and munching visited the Hay Festival at Hay-on-Wye, Milton Keynes Museum and the Stoke Newington Literature Festival.

photoDressed as characters from the books, the Secret Seed Society filled each venue with noise, music and laughter as they acted out and sang parts of the books with groups of children. So  far, the tour has been very well received by the adults who enjoyed watching their children explore vegetables in a new way.

Publishing collectable storybooks in packs with seeds, growing instructions and a recipe, the Secret Seed Society makes it easier for children and guardians to enjoy a healthy diet. Their latest addition to the series features Carla Carrot... What Will I Be?

Shena Cooper, founder of the Secret Seed Society, explains:

Many people believe children prefer sweets to vegetables because of simple physical needs and do not address the strong cultural and emotional attachments society has developed for nutrition-negative food.

Although fresh vegetables are known for being healthy, we thought it was time they made people laugh and perhaps recall some magic childhood moments,"


In 2009, this unusual children's society was born. It is an ethical publishing company which packages the physical, mucky, finger-licking, experience of growing, cooking and eating your own vegetables. Each pack is led by humorous tales of Seed City. 

"This is the first generation of children that are expected to live shorter, less healthy lives than their parents. With such a shocking revelation, it is worrying that there are still so many unhealthy foods marketed directly to children. We are proactively encouraging healthy diets and promoting positive attitudes to food, the environment and the community," added Shena.

The books are designed to develop the bonds between guardians and children while they enjoy reading, growing, cooking and eating. The Secret Seed Society helps to create a home-learning environment. These charming packs reinforce key messages that schools are teaching. As an ex-teacher herself, Shena knows this approach is verified by many independent educationalists.

The latest book is a story set in the Seed City Museum where statues and paintings of historic vegetable heroes lead Carla Carrot on a journey of self-discovery.

For more information visit http://www.secretseedsociety.com/ or to receive reviews of books from the series contact Shena on shena@secretseedsociety.com




The Secret Seed Society  mission is to make growing and eating your own food so simple and fun that it's child's play!

Engaging young children in gardening, cooking and eating healthily needs something special; this is why we have produced our fantastic tales of Seed City.

Reading the delightful stories of these vegetable characters together, will keep children interested through the slows and lows of growing from seed.

The Society are recruiting and supporting Seed Agents from across the UK. Seed Agents are children who are asking questions about where their food comes from; they are also enjoying getting their hands dirty growing and preparing their own finger-licking nutritious food.



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