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Shrek Forever After - a film review

Author: Jonny Potts Published: 25th July 2010 18:30
Shrek Forever After... In 2-D

Yeah, I didn't bother to pay to see the 3-D version of this film because you know what? It makes no difference!

I have learned from my many travels to the Mystic East where I met with the fabled ‘Bad Film Guru' and spent many hours meditating and perfecting my reviewing skills while he muttered many wise sayings, such as, "To infinity and beyond," and, of course, "Here's lookin' at you kid," that 3-D is no more then just a cheap marketing gimmick to persuade more people to see the film. Pointless !!


posterAnyway, I'm forgetting about Shrek. The film itself was, to be honest, not that bad. It wasn't exactly good, but it wasn't exactly bad either. It was better then Shrek the Third, anyway !

However, they never really should have attempted to stretch the franchise beyond the first two films. Why? Well, the last two films didn't seem to have the same universal appeal.

The jokes seem more directed to children, yet the message, not to take your family for granted, seems more directed at adults. Confusing.

However, the reason why this film is better than Shrek the Third is that it actually made me laugh. Especially the "Do the roar" kid at the beginning (you'll have to see the film to understand what I meant by that).

Also, Rumplestiltskin (the villain) is so fantastically annoying, you just can't help loving to hate him. Caps doffed to the guy who plays him.

However, the fact this film has Shrek travelling to a parallel dimension in which he never existed shows the writers have clearly run out of ideas. It's not brilliant, sure, but it's entertainment nonetheless.

 So overall, I give this film 3 bubbling potions out of 5.

Still, do they really have to make a spin-off with Puss in Boots?

This is Jonny Potts, signing off for now.



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