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Inception - a film review

Author: Jonny Potts Published: 24th July 2010 12:35

Hold onto your heads. This is a perplexing one.        


posterThe basic premise of the film is simple. Dom Cobb ( Leonardo diCaprio ) is a fugitive wanted for the suspected murder of his own wife.

He survives as a thief who travels into the subconscious of his target (along with his crack team of specialists) and steals their secrets. This practice is known as Extraction.

However, to win his life and children back, he must do the impossible. To plant an idea in someone's subconscious; to create dreams within dreams; to perform Inception.

So yeah, it's very simple... for a philosopher. For others... not so much.

Obviously, after the Dark Knight there was a lot of pressure put on Christopher Nolan (the director.) His next project had to deliver the same amount of action and intelligence his take on Batman had two years ago. Thankfully, Inception does.

However, all that means is that there is going to be even more pressure put on Nolan to ensure Batman 3 is of the highest possible quality. I'd sure hate to be him right now. Can't he just pretend it's all a dream?

Let's just hope Batman 3 doesn't disappoint. In the meantime, we have Inception. Its action packed, it's clever, it's confusing, and it has a lot of good actors - including Michael Caine, Tom Berenger and Marion Cotillard - delivering a lot of great performances. 



Inception, to me is an instant sci-fi classic. My overall approval rating is 5 totems out of 5 (a totem being what extractors use to see if they are dreaming or awake.)

This is filmmaking at its best.


Jonny Potts


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