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Ebooks by Karl Lancaster

Author: Lancaster First Aid Plus Published: 17th April 2014 11:34

 Just about a year ago I left service with the Metropolitan Police where I had been an instructor for eight years. At that point I had a reasonable idea of what I wanted to do and my main aim was to go in to teaching first aid and I have done this quite successfully. But I also had other projects I wanted to launch a just prior to leaving my job I had started to work on an autobiography about my time in the martial arts field.

 In about mid 2013 I released 'Fist of Destiny - Memoirs of a Martial Artist' as an ebook through Amazon for kindle, later also releasing it for other formats through 'Booktango'. The book details my journey through the world of martial arts and was writen with a view to showing what martial arts were really like, rather than how it is portrayed through books, films and adverts. I was also hoping to educate and inspire through telling my story which, details the progression of someone who was quite poor at sport when younger, through various stages of martial art training up to and beyond black belt and further to becoming world champion.

 Writing my book was not easy, at 57 I had nearly 40 years of martial arts to write about and I am dyslexic. But disability is part of the make up of the book and I was keen to show that it was no barrier to achivement (I have writen this article without spell check on purpose to high light this) .

 Although the book does cover some of my family history and background it very much centres on martial arts and the people involved. My first direct encounter with martial arts was through aikido and the book follows my progress through several other martial arts as well, including ju jutsu, kung fu and tai chi. The book has been well accepted and that is no doubt in part to it being very honest and up front. Although no doubt it would have also upset some martial enthusiast's.

 At the same time as I was writing Fist of Destiny I was also building up some short stories that would eventually go to make up another book 'Sex Stories for a Mature Woman', a book of erotica. I was some what surprised when I released it through Amazon for Kindle and it easily outsold my other book! And at the the suggestion of a friend I released another book of erotica which, I titled 'The Trials of Jules Jovian'. Both books being available for Kindle as well as other formats through Smashwords.

 I am now in to my fourth book with ideas for a fifth already forming. My current work is an encylopedia of martial arts. No doubt anyone reading this with an interest in martial arts will think 'and how many times has that been done'? And I will agree it is not a new concept. What I hope is new is my take on it.

 When I write I do so to express my opinion and to educate. My latest book will be no different and does not follow the normal format of this is aikido (for example) and then goes on to give a sterile version of it's history and technique. But to find out more you will need to read the book when it is released later this year.  In the future I hope to release more books. One at least will be based on my time involved with the police although it may remark on all the silly and stupid things that you are less inclined to hear about them in more serious publications. If you would like to learn more about me or my books please see the link below.


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