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Fire Service Car Wash Day

Published: 29th September 2010 09:48

On Saturday 2 October firefighters across Devon and Somerset are hosting their own National Car Wash Day on behalf of The Fire Fighters Charity.

Minehead Fire StationSo get down to your local fire station and let the firefighters give it a Tender Loving Clean! Firefighters will be foaming their sponges for The Fire Fighters Charity, the official organisation which supports injured fire fighters during their times of need.

The National Car Wash is the Charity's largest fundraising event of the year, and involves fire stations throughout the UK washing the nation's cars, in exchange for a donation. The car wash is a great day for all - not only will your car receive a shampoo and polish, you can also help raise greatly needed funds for the Charity, whilst also educating your family about fire safety.

Statistics have shown that 29 children under the age of 11 are killed in fires in the UK every year, and over 1,100 are seriously injured, so whilst your car purrs with pleasure, chat to the firefighters to pick up some top home safety tips.

Of course, whilst the entire nation will be waxing lyrical about their spotless cars, there are two very serious reasons to why this annual event is taking place across the UK. Despite firefighters best efforts, fire services see firsthand how fire can destroy lives and devastate communities on a daily basis. By learning more about safety around the home, lives can be saved. It is also a fantastic way to raise essential funds for The Fire Fighters Charity in order to continue to support those in need.



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