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National Family Week Set To Unite The UK In A World Record First

Author: Abigail Hancher Published: 12th May 2009 11:24
family weekGet ready to pack up your hamper, rug and relatives and join thousands of families across the UK in the National Family Week attempt to set the Guinness World Record for the Largest Picnic across multiple venues.

As part of National Family Week, families across the UK are being encouraged to have a picnic on Bank Holiday Monday 25th May 2009 at 1pm and it seems everyone wants a piece of the pie with picnics already confirmed across the length and breadth of the UK! Log on to www.nationalfamilyweek.co.uk to search for a picnic near you or why not get the whole family together and host your own?

The first ever National Family Week is set to take place between 25-31 May 2009 (summer half term in England and Wales) with the aim being to celebrate and promote good family life and help to create a more family-friendly culture in the UK. Thousands of events and activities will be running across the UK during the week to provide fun and exciting ways for families to spend time together and the Family Week Picnic will take the lead on Monday 25th May.

The Family Week Picnic rug will be laid down in villages, towns and cities all across the UK with Barnstaple Lions Club, Luton Borough Council, Taunton Town Centre, Leicestershire County Council, Sprowston Community High School, Hampton Court Palace and West Berkshire Council being just a few of the Family Week Picnic hosts. National Family Week has also teamed up with The Royal Parks to run a picnic extravaganza in the iconic Regent's Park, London.

Anyone can join in the record attempt, all you need is a rug or mat, food and drink including a minimum of two courses per person (e.g. sandwiches and fruit or cake) and of course don't forget your family and friends. So make sure you check online to see what's happening in your area and be sure to arrive with plenty of time to register before 1pm to make your family count.

To give picnickers a helping hand, some of National Family Week's sponsors will be running picnic-orientated offers and promotions including Sainsbury's who will be providing great deals on their picnic products to guarantee a hamper jam-sandwiched full of delicious treats for all the family.

National Family Week has attracted an incredible amount of support including from over a hundred national organisations, as well as celebrities, sports stars and political leaders, making it the largest coalition on family issues in the UK. The Prime Minister, Ed Balls, David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Boris Johnson are all supporting the week and families across the country are being invited to join in the action.

Weather presenter Sian Lloyd, whilst hoping for fabulous weather for the Family Week Picnic, comments; ".....I have always had a strong family support and I am so grateful to have had this.....Food is one of my real passions, and I can think of no better excuse than a big picnic, or family feast to get everyone rounded up".

For further details on the Family Week Picnic plus a full list of all events and activities taking place during the week, log on to www.nationalfamilyweek.co.uk where you will also have the option to pre-register your attendance at a picnic near you to save time on the day. And don't forget to sign up to the newsletter for regular updates on this fantastic new initiative including information on activities during the week plus offers and promotions from National Family Week's sponsors.

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