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Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Why We Should Take Them

Author: Frances Woollard Published: 28th August 2012 18:28

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Why We Should Take ThemOmega-3 Fatty Acids and Why We Should Take ThemNearly forty years ago Scientists noticed that the Eskimos didn’t suffer from heart disease and arthritis compared to those people in the UK and after much research they realised that this was, in part, down to the high levels of fish oils in their diet. We know now that fish oils contain a perfect balance of essential fatty acids (EFAs). These fish oils are more commonly known as Omega-3 fatty acids (most commonly EPA and DHA) though Omega-9 fatty acids found in Olive Oil are also important to health.

In this country a large proportion of the general public are deficient in EFAs because it is difficult or undesirable for people to consume sufficient quantities of oily fish on a regular basis. Our body cannot produce these EFAs itself and therefore they need to be obtained through our diet.

Omega-3 supplements can be the answer to this problem and taken on a daily basis can provide the essentials fatty acids that we all need.

Health Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids

  • All cells throughout our bodies are surrounded by a membrane mainly containing fatty acids. If the body is deficient in EFAs it can be difficult for the cell membrane to perform its function correctly.
  • The essential fatty acids also make up the structure that surrounds our nerves – the myelin sheath. Without a good protective cover the nerves cannot transport messages from different parts of our body back to our brain as efficiently as they should.
  • Research has also shown that EFAs can help reduce heart disease in several ways including reducing cholesterol levels and helping to lower blood pressure.
  • Fatty acids are also necessary for the production of important anti-inflammatory compounds and can act as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

The benefits of taking a supplement containing Omega-3 and Omega-9 fatty acids are many and varied. It is important though, whichever supplement is chosen, that care is taken to ensure that the quality of the fish oil is as high as possible to ensure the most benefit is made from taking the oil. Spend time researching where the fish swim during their lifetime and which parts of the fish are used to produce the oil. This can make a difference in the quality of the Omega-3 fatty acids.

For more information visit   www.forever-yoursuccess.co.uk
For details of September’s special offer available for AboutMyArea/NN12 readers  – 20% off the cost of Forever Living Artic Sea supplement, please contact Frances Woollard on 01327 359319 or email frances@forever-yoursuccess.co.uk.

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