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Author: hamlet Published: 19th March 2012 14:04

Actor Christopher Lee Power


FROM Shakespeare plays to parts in TV dramas and Corrie,Christopher Lee Power has enjoyed many years as an actor rising through the ranks and his new short film "Boiling Point" were he plays a private investigator avenging his sister`s murder,was not only nominated for an award at The Cornwall Film Festival but has also received a good review from Pulp Films. 

But his life now is a million miles away from where it started. Christopher Lee Power, from Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, was in his teens, and his life had been one of incredible struggle: he had a speech impediment; School for Christopher was difficult and a struggle as he found it difficult to spell with a lack of co-ordination it meant he started losing out on the education he needed. Leaving school at the age of 15 with no qualifications meant that finding work was difficult. However despite this disadvantage regarding his education , he managed to be offered his first taste as an actor on a YTS Scheme called Rathbone Projects in Liverpool.


Christopher says " I was trained in all aspects of theatre. Actors David Morresey and Cathy Tyson had also been part of Rathnone Projects a few years before me."

At the age of 28, Christopher's dreams of following his passion and becoming an actor started to be realised. He was taught in a number of drama schools, including Richmond Drama School and RADA And as he looks back on his rise through the ranks of acting, from stage to small screen with parts in high profile dramas and soaps, from playing Polixines in the acclaimed 'The Winter's Tale' in Birkenhead Park to touring in an award winning play called Remembrance Day, by Bev Clark, playing George. Christopher knows one thing: he wouldn't be where he is today without the help of his friend and many others who helped him on his way.

Christopher recently played a young Adolf Hitler`s soldier in The Mystery Files, a docudrama for The Geographic Channel, Ironically, he auditioned to play the part of Hitler in Martin Scorsese's film Hugo and says his earlier foray of portraying the dictator soldier helped him. So what next for this versatile actor? Well, he hopes to continue as an actor and encourage people not to give up on their dream.

Contact: cpower@talktalk.net 



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