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Support Silver Sunday & celebrate the importance of grandparents

Published: 30th September 2020 15:26

WESTCOUNTRY residents are being encouraged to remember the importance of grandparents in children’s lives as part of the nation’s Silver Sunday celebrations supported by HRH the Duchess of Cornwall this weekend (October 4, 2020).

Family law experts at a Bristol-based legal practice say people often underestimate the bond grandparents have with their grandchildren and their stabilising influence, especially when parents separate or divorce.

Elizabeth McCallum, family barrister and co-founder of Children in the Middle® with her colleague and fellow barrister Sarah Evans, explains: “Silver Sunday is a national event designed to celebrate the older generation and their role in our society, and we hope those with children thinking about divorcing or separating recognise it’s vital children have contact with their grandparents, and other important extended family members, who have had a significant role in their lives so far.

“We appreciate the lockdown and subsequent ongoing restrictions are already putting a strain on visits to older relatives and this will be impacting on both grandparents and grandchildren, who would normally see a lot of each other. HRH the Duchess of Cornwall spoke herself on television about the sadness of not seeing her own grandchildren and being unable to hug them at the height of the lockdown.”

After the recent increase in COVID-19 cases, households in areas where there are ‘local lockdowns’ are not allowed to meet. However, informal childcare arrangements, including those provided by grandparents, are exempt from this new rule.

“Given the cost of full-time childcare these days, many grandparents now have more regular contact with their grandchildren than they might have had in the past. They often act as childminders during the week to help their working children out. This creates a strong bond between them.

“In 2017, it was revealed in a YouGov poll for the charity Age UK that two-fifths (40%) of the nation’s grandparents, those aged 50 plus, have provided regular childcare for their grandchildren. This is thought now to have increased with greater numbers involved.

“However, what then happens when parents’ separate? How are those grandparent relationships maintained for the benefit of the children?

“Usually, both parents respect the grandparents’ relationship with the children and do all they can to maintain it in the future. More importantly, it should help the children feel more secure during their parents’ separation.”

However, Children in the Middle® says problems can arise, when, after separation, one parent struggles to have a relationship with their children.

Fellow barrister and co-founder of the legal practice, Sarah Evans explains: “During any court application, the court will inevitably just focus on the parent’s relationship with the children, not the grandparents’ or other family members. In extreme cases, a parent can lose contact with their children and this can mean the grandparents can also lose their relationship with their grandchildren too.

“The knock-on effect for the children is that they lose half of their wider family and identity, so these are really difficult situations for everyone involved and it’s important to get expert advice on how best to handle them. We’re here, ready to listen and happy to offer our professional, expert help to any families in need of assistance.”

“Wherever possible, we’ll help parents reach a voluntary agreement over the arrangements for their child. But, if court action is required, as barristers, we can provide the experienced representation a parent needs for every stage of the proceedings, from initial advice, drafting an application to the court, representation at hearings anywhere in England & Wales and preparation of witness statements and evidence. 

“However, as a parent you may just need one meeting with us so we can give you advice and guidance on the best way forward for you and your child.”

Elizabeth has practiced in this area of law for more than 14 years. She initially qualified as a barrister, then transferred to become a family solicitor. More recently, she has resumed her career as a barrister. 

Sarah, who has been a children law specialist for more than 30 years, has a wealth of experience having spent time as a family lawyer working in the USA, Scotland and London before joining Magdalen Chambers in Exeter as a barrister. 

 “Most of our work is done remotely, which means geography is not a barrier. It also means we keep our overheads down, a benefit we can pass on to you. What we offer is affordable, expert legal advice about your children.

 “By having direct access to our barristers, you can save money by managing your own case through handling the admin and the paperwork, while still benefitting from specialist legal advice from a barrister, who is a children’s law expert.” 

As well as helping with court cases, Children in the Middle® can offer assistance with appointments and paperwork to parents living anywhere in the UK.


For further details, call Children in the Middle® please visit www.childreninthemiddle.co.uk

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