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Taking Party Plan Seriously

Author: skinorganics Published: 22nd December 2010 20:49

Party Plan is a sector of business that thrives in a recession. It is also a growing sector and yet sometimes can have a negative reputation.
Party Plan companies are part of the Direct Selling Industry, which is now regulated and does differ from the now illegal Pyramid Selling. As a concept, this type of company has been around since the mid 60's and stereo typical brands, such as Tupperware and Ann Summers, are now world famous.

This type of business is highly dominated by women, because there were devised 30-40 years ago, when it was generally the norm for the women to stay at home and look after home and family. This opportunity provided an additional "bit of income" and a welcome change or independence for a few hours per week.
Much of that still holds true, however, for those who have an entrepreneurial spirit, who can apply all the general principles of business, can start to realise a high level full time salary equivalent and exponential earnings.

The industry now does attract both men and women, who want a very low cost, low risk opportunity to build a big business and career. It also provides that same more familiar opportunities it always has for anyone to sell some product in a flexible way choosing the hours and commitment suitable to personal circumstances.

Selecting the right company for you is essential. A product you can be passionate about is really important too. Ensuring the person who sponsors you has the right experience and capabilities to support and train you and of course is someone who can trust and communicate with easily should be a given.
Check out the company carefully. Do some background research. There may be better opportunities with a newer company, but other benefits of an established one should also be weighed up. Many reputable companies will be members of the DSA, the Direct Selling Association. http://www.dsa.org.uk





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