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The Flowers & Plants Association gives men the lowdown on what to do this Valentines!

Published: 13th February 2011 07:50

OK we know we're being a little sexist but where you buy your Valentine flowers from says a whole load about how you rate your loved one.  And while we know there are many ladies who will appreciate the fact you bought them any flowers at all we reckon you can earn yourself some serious brownie points by going the extra mile and choosing the right bunch.

Pictures courtesy of The Flower Bank, Carlisle Pictures courtesy of The Flower Bank, Carlisle

Because women can spot a hastily bought bunch from the garage a mile off.  Not only is that more likely to get you a slap round the chops rather than a kiss but they may not last long enough for make up time!

So to help you protect your cheek and your points, The Flowers & Plants Association - which just happens to be run by a team of ladies - has come up with some hints on where to buy your flowers and has compiled the Man's Guide to Choosing Flowers as well to make it even easier!

Supermarket flowers: Flowers here are often incredibly cheap, and we know it might be convenient if you've been sent on the Sunday shopping run, but be careful!  She knows supermarkets better than you and even if you manage to get that dreadful sticky price tag off without ripping the packaging she'll still know it was a cheap, last minute purchase.

Garage forecourt flowers: This probably the worst purchase of all because you weren't even multi-tasking i.e. doing the shopping  ... you'd simply forgotten!  Take it from us ... garage flowers are a complete no-no for any self respecting man looking to woo his woman.

Online ordering: Not bad, especially if you use one of the decent websites who use a network of florists to make and deliver your order. However be careful if you're having them couriered, rather than delivered by a local shop, because you run the risk they may not arrive on time - remember what happened before Christmas. If that big brown box is late you are really going to be in the dog house!

Street Stalls: A good combination of economy and personal choice.  And because many stalls offer as good a range as a bespoke florist you can have your gift personally made and wrapped.  The downside is that they don't deliver and so you'll need to hide them somewhere from Saturday so make sure you have a bucket of water and can cut and condition them so they're not dead by Monday morning. 

Local Florists:When it comes to special deliveries a local florist is quite simply the best option.  Not only will your lover know you took the time to pick up the phone or visit the shop to speak to the person making the gift but you'll have had the chance to really personalise your gift and, if you went in, hand-write the card.  This sort of purchase shows real love and shouldn't cost you any more than an online order.

And don't worry if you're stuck for ideas on what to buy ... we've got a whole load of suggestions from £10 to a £1000!  Just give us a ring or drop us an e-mail at info@flowers.org.uk and we'll send you our complete Man's Guide to Flower Buying which gives you design ideas, flowers to choose and even includes some suggested messages.

Good luck and happy Valentines!

Lots of Love

The girls at the Flowers & Plants Association

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