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Image Consultant Thomasin Newton helps women transform their wardrobes and their lives.

Published: 14th January 2013 16:36

Colchester based Personal Stylist and Image Consultant Thomasin Newton helps women transform their wardrobes and their lives.

You have probably heard people talking about having their colours done but as Thomasin explains, that is only part of the story of going to a Personal Stylist. An Image Consultant can advise you on not only what pallet of colours suit your particular colouring but also what type of clothes and accessories suit you based on your personal style, body proportions, body lines and scale, faceshape and lifestyle.  The next step after understanding what clothes best suit you is to overhaul your wardrobe and clear out all the clothing that doesn't make the best of your assets. A trip to the shops with your personal stylist  to buy items to complement your rejuvenated wardrobe is the finishing touch! The end result is a streamlined wardrobe where everything tones and co-ordinates with everything else, making the best use of your natural colouring and bodyshape to look radiant, poised and confident at all times

We all go through periods in our lives where we are enduring change; be it physical from preganancy, childbirth, weight gain or loss, surgery or illness to name but a few or circumstantial due to a change of job situation, becoming a full time mum, retiring or even moving to or from a different climate. At these times in our lives our self-esteem can be negatively affected and our outward appearance can be a source of anxiety and unhappiness. Working with a Personal Stylist can help you to understand how to  make the best use of your shape ,colouring and lifestyle to ensure that you feel happy and confident with your external appearance. It really is true that you can change your life by changing the way you dress.

Thomasin says "I have worked with women from all walks of life and ages and we all have the same things in common; we want to look and feel our best at all times; we want to reduce how much we spend on clothes that then sit in the wardrobe unworn because they don't suit us and we want to be able to go to our wardrobes and know exactly what to wear for any given occasion knowing we will look fantastic with whatever we put on. Using a Personal Stylist will ensure that this will happen"


for more information.

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