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The Best Guide for the SS4 Area

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Published: 24th January 2014 17:34





Whether your interest is water, power, wildlife or history the District's museums and heritage attractions will have something to offer. Aspects of the District's industrial heritage can be seen by the waterfronts of the towns and villages. Explore the  Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation to gain an insight into the 19th century equivalent of today's motorway network. Sometimes a Thames Sailing Barge is open at the Hythe Quay. Architectural gems are to be found throughout the District. The annual Heritage Open Days and tours of buildings at other times are a great way to discover the past.  You can learn about generating power, ride on a steam train, walk past a 1000 years of history, look at the majestic Thames Barges, study the farming methods of yesteryear or simply enjoy the unspoilt countryside.

Burnham-0n-Crouch and District Museum. 

The Quay, Burnham-On-Crouch. CM9 8AS.  The museum contains many exhibits of local interest, particularly those with maritime and agricultural connections, plus social history and small archaeological collections. A newly refurbished exhibition area houses occasional art exhibitions.
Contact : 01621 783444

Maldon District Museum

'The Museum in the Park', 47 Mill Road, Maldon. CM9 5HX. The museum houses much of the colourful history of Maldon with a changing selection of objects associated with the area and people of the Maldon District. The collection's origins were in the pre-war Maldon Borough Museum. Contact: 01621 842688

Museum of Power

 Steam Pumping Station, Hatfield Road, Langford, CM9 6QA. Ex-waterworks pumping station housing a large T.E. steam engine & pumps. The museum covers all aspects of power from the domestic batteries to the massive machines that powered British Industry. The collection is steadily growing and restoration work is undertaken on site. Miniature trains run on certain days and the museum hosts a variety of events and educational actvities.  Contact: 01621 843183

Mangapps Railway Museum 

Southminster Road, Burnham-On-Crouch, CM0 8QQ Extensive collection of railway relics of all kinds, including steam and diesel locos, carriages and wagons, historic buildings and one of the largest collections of signalling equipment open to the public and a complete country station featuring on a steam or vintage diesel loco. Contact: 01621 784898 

Maeldune Heritage Centre

St Peter's Church, Market Hill, Maldon. CM9 4PZ.  Houses the Maldon Embroidery a 42ft long embroidery celebrating the Battle of Maldon in AD991 depicting the History of Maldon 991-1991 and also housing exhibitions by local artists and displays of general interest.
Contact: 01621 851628

Maldon Photo Archive, c/o The Maeldune Heritage Centre. Compiled and maintained by the Maldon Society this is a fascinating pictorial archive of buildings and life in Maldon spanning the last 100 years. Contact: 01621 851628.

The Plume Library

St Peter's Church, Market Hill, Maldon. CM9 4PZ. The tower is all that remains of the original 13th Century church after it's collapse in 1665. The nave was rebuilt and presented to the town by Dr Thomas Plume after his death in 1704. His library housed on the first floor, contains over 6000 volumes including a fine collection of 16th and 17th Century books. This library is of great national importance and is one of the oldest reference libraries in the Country. Contact: The librarian: 01621 854850

Combined Military Services Museum

Station Rd, Maldon CM9 4LQ.

The Combined Military Services Museum is a Visit England Quality Assured Visitor Attraction.  It's described by its Patron - Lord Paddy Ashdown, as a ‘jewel', a local private Museum which deserves national recognition.

The Museum houses an amazing collection of genuine British military artefacts dating from the English Civil War to present. Enter the world of James Bond discovering espionage items of two British Secret Agents. View the Donnington Firearms Collection believed to be the finest and largest firearms collection on public display in Europe. See a number of external exhibits including tanks and a Thunderbird Missile.

Inside there are three floors of British military artefacts; a number of which are of national importance e.g. the only surviving MK2 ‘Cockle' canoe as used in the "Cockleshell Heroes" raid

A significant feature of the collection is a TSR2 jet engine, the only remaining example on public display.

The Civil War collection is one of the finest in the country. See a fantastic collection of armour and ancient weaponry, including swords, pole arms and muskets. As well as fully equipped models of paratroopers from Arnhem, Suez and the Falklands there is a stunning display of British combat uniforms from 1880 to present day and an extensive medal collection.

The Museum's Home Front collection focuses on life and service at home.  It includes the role of women at war serving in the Land Army, ATS, ARP and nursing.

Amongst the collection you will find a unique Special Operations and Special Forces display.  These include The Mason Collection comprising James Bond style gadgets, disguises and weapons. This is an internationally renowned Spy exhibition.  You will also see the Iranian Embassy Siege display, uniforms used by the SAS from its early beginnings in WWII and medals awarded to them, Operation Sea Lion documents complied by the Nazi Germany for their planned invasion of Gt Britain during WWII, an extensive Special Operations Executive display and a unique collection of artefacts belonging to Britain's ‘Stay Behind Army' - The Auxiliary

The Museum also houses the huge Donnington collection.  It is the largest collection of firearms on public display in this country if not Europe. The collection of over 700 firearms consists of weapons from tiny Victorian handbag pistols to heavy machine guns, all of which have been collected by the MOD since the early 1800's.

Although being a Military Museum the collection is so extensive there is something here to interest men and women both young and old. There is a gift shop, refreshments are available, and air condition and free parking are provided. Baby changing facilities are available.

Group bookings and evening visits can be catered for. Refreshments and/or buffets can be provided.

 For further details please visit our website at http://www.cmsm.co.uk/ or call us on 01621 841826.


 Places of interest

Hythe Quay, Maldon. (see photo at top)

Situated to the Promenade Park, is part of the old port of Maldon. It played an important role in the prosperity of Maldon through the centuries. A number of Thames Sailing Barges, originally used for transporting cargo, still use the Quay today, some being available for charter. An ideal location for watching the waterfront activities, viewing the river and saltings  Tel: 01621 856503

The Moot Hall

 High Street, Maldon CM9 5PF. Built in the 15th Century for the D'Arcy family, the original medieval spiral brick staircase and the 18th Century court room are of outstanding interest. Open to the public for tours and at other times by appointment.  Contact: Maldon Town Council  01621 857373

New Hall Vineyard

Purleigh. CM9 6PN. Visitors are welcome to wander round 9 hectares of vineyard on their own and to visit the cellars underneath the 14th Century farmhouse where all the wines are on sale. Guided tours of the vineyard with slide show can be arranged if booked In advance. Contact: 01621 828343

Northey Island

 (National Trust), Maldon CM9 6PP. This is a designated site of special scientific interest (SSI) especially important for over-wintering birds. It is believed to have been the camp base for the Viking army, when the Battle of Maldon took place in AD991. Visits can be made by appointment with the warden or on the bi-annual open day. Contact: 01621 853142

St Lawrence Bay Discovery Church

 St Lawrence CM0 7LN. This attractive parish church provides an ideal setting for information and displays relating to the environment and local history.
Contact Tel: 01621 776203

Remains of St Giles Leper Hospital

Spital Road, Maldon, CM9 6EA. This grade 1 listed building is said to have been founded by Henry II, to house lepers. The existing ruins date from the 12th Century. Contact: 01621 857373.

Battle of Maldon site (English Heritage)
Maldon CM9 6PP. The site of the famous Battle of Maldon in AD991 is regarded as one of the most important battle sites in the Country where the Saxon Earl Brythnoth was defeated by the Danes who sailed up the River Blackwater. The Battle was said to have lasted several days and is depicted in the earliest recorded epic Saxon poem. Contact: 01621 856503

St Peter's Chapel Bradwell On Sea.

This Saxon Chapel of St Cedd was built in 654 astride the western wall of the Roman Fort of Othona. Over the centuries it has had a variety of uses - a warning beacon for shipping, a barn and an animal store. The church was re-consecrated in 1920 and attracts visitors worldwide who are impressed with its simplicity and tranquil setting. Contact: 01621 776564

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