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Consumers Think the PM Should Focus on Petrol Prices

Author: AboutMyArea HeadOffice Published: 4th December 2012 08:46
High fuel and energy costs top consumers' 'must tackle' list

petrol pumpsThe number one consumer issue people would tell the Prime Minister to address is that it's time to sort out petrol prices, according to a poll of over 13,000 MoneySavingExpert.com users.

The Money Saving Expert website asked which of 10 hot topics they most wanted Cameron to tackle, allowing them to pick up to three.

A mammoth 68% listed high petrol prices, followed by rising gas and electricity bills (60%) and low savings rates (38%).

The news comes on the day the AA has urged Chancellor George Osborne to postpone the 3p-a-litre fuel duty rise planned for January.

The Government has already announced plans to force energy firms to put consumers on their cheapest tariff, while the Office of Fair Trading is investigating high fuel bills. But many want more action.

Martin Lewis, MoneySavingExpert.com creator, comments: "Petrol prices continue to dominate the consumer landscape. While the government often blames the suppliers, the truth is that about 60% of the cost goes in tax. While other bills may be bigger, petrol prices hit at the heart of a feeling of independence.

"Next is the other victim of the worldwide hike in oil prices, energy bills. Recent continued rises are leading to more people in fuel poverty than ever before - many choosing between heating and eating.

"The public perception is that so far, politicians and regulators have failed to get a grip on it. It will be interesting to see if the proposed energy bill can make a difference.

"There there is the quiet army of savers starting to roar. Often forgotten, they sit in front of the TV throwing socks when politicians celebrate historic interest rate lows.

"Many who have worked hard and saved hope to live off the income, yet that has been kiboshed by low rates and little tax advantage."

For Money Saving Tips on fuel costs - Click Here

Here are the results of the poll, which closed last week

The "Oi Cameron, sort it out..." poll results


Percentage who want PM to sort


Percentage who want PM to sort

1. Petrol prices - too high


6. Payday loans - need strong regulation


2. Gas and electricity bills - unaffordable for many


7. Mortgages - too difficult to get


3. Savings rates - dismally low


8. Childcare - high costs and lack of availability


4. Train fares - too expensive and complex


9. Car insurance - unaffordable for young drivers


5. Financial education - put it on the curriculum


10. Spam texts - need to be stopped


13,400 people voted. They could pick up to three issues each.

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