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Gardening experts to be quizzed for Wotton in Bloom

Author: AboutMyArea HeadOffice Published: 19th May 2011 16:30

Wotton's Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall, will act as Chair for the event. Besides being mother to celebrity chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall she has worked as a garden designer for the last 30 years. Specialising in traditional gardens she has exhibited at the Chelsea Flower Show on many occasions and in doing so has won two gold medals. She also has a string of successful gardening books to her name.

Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall (Picture by Neil Hepworth)Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall who will chair a gardeners' question time fund raising event at the Wotton Cinema on 7th June.
(Picture by Neil Hepworth)

Sue Gibson trained as a gardener with the National Trust and now runs her own gardening school in Slimbridge where she teaches beginners in Garden Design and holds practical workshops.

Barbara Adams first love is growing vegetables using no-dig methods and she has often opened her garden in Charfield for plant sales in aid of charity. She also organises the occasional garden tours and is a keen member of the Wotton Gardening Society. Currently she is training to become a member of The Judges Guild which certifies judges for all types of competitions.

Wotton in Bloom is a project being jointly organised by the Wotton-under-Edge Chamber of Trade and the town's Regeneration Partnership. Last year it raised around £10000 to supply hanging baskets throughout the centre of the town.

Chamber President Alex Wilkinson speaking on the behalf of the organising committee said: "Last year the Regeneration Partnership was lucky enough to get a grant from Stroud District Council to help us but that cannot happen this year so events like this are important to the success of the project. With any luck we should meet our fundraising target and this is such a good opportunity to dress up the town with colour and attract visitors that it would be a pity if we were to fail for lack of funds. "

The original idea was proposed by Peter Roberts, Managing Director of the printing company Clarendon Press. He said: "I saw how the centre of Thornbury was transformed by hanging baskets a couple of years ago and proposed that we do the same in Wotton. The town was an absolute picture last year prompting literally hundreds of people to comment on how lovely it looked. If we can make another success of it this year we will be even more confident to enter the Royal Horticultural Society's Britain in Bloom competition in the future."

The Wotton Gardeners' Question Time is to be held in Wotton's Electric Picture House on
Tuesday 7th June at 7:30pm. Tickets at £10 each (including some refreshments) are available from the cinema, Cuzuns in the High Street, Wotton and the Wotton Farm Shop.

If anyone would like to make a donation they can do so by contacting Alex Wilkinson through the Chamber of Trade's web site at http://www.wotton.biz/ or by telephoning 07976 272764

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