What's On In Drayton & Farlington In August
Published: 30th July 2013 12:34 |
Throughout the month of August the following events are being held in the Drayton & Farlington area:
Throughout the month
School Holiday Play scheme for children aged 3 - 11 at Solent Infants School..
Open Monday to Friday between 8am - 6 pm (school age) or 9am - 3pm.This service is run by the Farlington Wrap - Around Service. Contact: 07505471909 or email contactfwa@sky.com for further information
Thursday 1st
Gardening Club Meeting at 7.30pm at St Andrew's Church Hall when Steve Rees will practically demonstrate how to take cuttings. All welcome - members 50p non-members £1.
Saturday 3rd
Horse Racing at 7.30pm at the Drayton Centre. Tickets are £5.00 (which includes an "American" supper) and will be available at the door. Further information from Brian 02392 377630 or Bob 02392 362926
Sunday 4th
An invitation to a cream tea and "bring and buy" at 13 St Colman's Avenue from 3pm
Friday 17th
Pirate Party 1.30-3pm Ahoy Shipmates!
Join Pirate Jess from Swanwick Lakes Wildlife Reserve for some salty stories and seafaring games on this beautiful, peaceful patch of seaside in the heart of the city. An event for families with children aged 4 to 7. Meet at Milton Locks Wildlife Reserve, Locksway Road, Milton, Portsmouth. For further details and to book your place please contact Pirate Jess or Shipmate Dawn on 01489 570240 as booking by Friday 9th August is essential. Please bring outdoor clothing and wellies. Suggested donation £3 per child.
Saturday 17th
The Drayton & Farlington Garden Club Annual Summer Show at the Drayton United Church Hall. The show is open between 1.30 - 4.00pm. Entrance £1. Anyone interested in entering can get a Schedule from Chris Batstone - Tel 02392 375805
For full details of all the regular events held in Drayton and Farlington call into the Information Centre (next door to the Doctors' Surgery) of visit our website: http://www.draytonandfarlington.com/
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