South Coast Moneyline - changes for the future
Author: kim@paritytrust | Published: 20th July 2011 14:13 |
Investment in communities to improve economic and social well-being through financial products and services, is the key priority for the newly-styled Parity Trust, a local community development finance institution. Formerly known as South Coast Moneyline, Parity Trust is the new trading name of the Portsmouth Area Regeneration Trust, which has seen more than £3million of recycled funds invested in communities.
Parity Trust's future dealings will focus on mortgage lending to individuals and assisting civic and community organisations. New projects will support local communities through asset development - initially these will include the renovation of under used community buildings in partnership with the Diocese of Portsmouth.
One of Parity Trust's most successful products is the Home Trust Loan scheme, providing finance to property owners who need to repair or adapt their homes, but who lack funds to carry out the work. More than £1million invested over the past two years.
In line with the changes made to the delivery of its products and trading name, the organisation has also recently relocated to 1000 Lakeside, North Harbour, Portsmouth.
Simon Frost, Chief Executive has said, "Our values and ethics as a responsible financial institution will not change; I'm proud of our legacy to date. We have maintained a high level of customer focus in the past, always taking the financial circumstances of our clients into account. This will continue to be a key feature of the work that Parity Trust will undertake in the years to come. South Coast Moneyline served us well in our first decade, now it's time for Parity Trust to take us into the future. "
To find out more about Parity Trust visit their website at
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