Local businesses launch free advice event for want-to-be startups
Author: HooleyP | Published: 13th November 2015 10:11 |
"Tooled up" is the business event for aspiring start-up and existing businesses that want to access advice and support to get their idea off the ground. At this event aspiring start-ups can meet successful business owners and talk through their ideas. With advice on areas such as getting to market, sorting out the finances, the legal stuff, money to start your business and so much more there is something for everyone. On the day you will have the opportunity to speak to all of our experts face-to-face and exchange information and ideas with people who have seen it, done it and been there.
The event is designed for people who are stuck at their kitchen table or running their business from a laptop; who want to get their business out there and make money. If you've been scratching your head looking for solutions or any of the above sounds familiar and you are a freelancer, recent start-up, small or micro business working locally in the industrial, service or the retail industries; or you just want to brush up on your skills then this is the event for you.
The event is being held at the Portsmouth Business School at the University of Portsmouth. To register for free, visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tooled-up-tickets-19078116159
The event is run by the Business and Enterprise Workstream which is part of the Shaping the Future of Portsmouth initiative.
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