Author: Bosun | Published: 14th July 2015 12:34 |
Havant Youth Sail Training Scheme (also known as HYSTS) is a Not For Profit charity, No. 278412, offering the opportunity for young people between the ages of 8 to 18 to learn to sail, based on the outskirts of Havant on the Hampshire/West Sussex coastline. We offer you the opporunity not only to learn to sail, but to build self confidence and make new friends.
We also need adult volunteers to assist ashore in admin, fund raising and maintenance, and afloat as Rescue Boat crew.
These are equal opportunity positions. Experience would be useful but not necessary. Sailing clothes and buoyancy aids will be provided.
For further information, including our contact details and Sailing Schedule, visit www.hysts.co.uk
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