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Applying for Schools in 2012

Published: 8th September 2011 21:58

Schools may only have just started back after the summer break - but many Hertfordshire carers and parents are already planning ahead for school places in 2012.

If your child starts primary, or moves on to junior, middle, secondary or upper school next year you need to apply for a school place in good time.

The process for moving onto secondary or upper school opened on Monday 5 September. Leaflets explaining the process will be distributed to families through their child's primary schools at the beginning of September. The closing date for applications to secondary and upper schools is 31 October 2011 and it is vital that parents make their applications on time.

A quick and easy way of obtaining all the information you need about the secondary and upper school transfer process is available in an interactive version of the ‘Moving On' booklet at www.hertsdirect.org/admissions

Before making an application, parents and carers are strongly advised to visit schools and attend the secondary information evenings to help them make their preferences. Leaflets outlining all the secondary open evenings were distributed in July. The admissions pages on www.hertsdirect.org/admissions contain all the information parents need to apply for a school place and advice on where to find extra help.

The easiest way to apply for all categories of school places is online by logging onto www.hertsdirect.org/admissions and completing the online application form. If you apply online you can amend your application at any time up to the closing date. Online applicants can access their school offer before allocation letters are received and parents are also able to accept the school allocation online. Last year 97 per cent of parents applied this way and found the system quick, easy and secure. Parents that do not wish to apply online can request a paper application form that must be returned direct to the admission and transport team. Application forms cannot be returned to primary schools.

The Under 11s application process (for applications to primary, junior and middle schools) opens on 14 November 2011 and the closing date is 15 January 2012. Relevant parents will receive a leaflet in mid-November. An interactive version of the full Under 11s booklet will be available online or from the Customer Service Centre.

Parents with younger children will be able to apply for nursery schools and classes in mid February 2012 when nursery literature will be sent directly to parents.

Frances Button, Executive Member for Education and Skills, said

"I understand that parents and carers want their children to attend the school they most prefer. Hertfordshire has a good track record and last year over 95 per cent of children were allocated one of their three ranked secondary schools and over 94 per cent one of their three ranked primary schools. Hertfordshire County Council is not always able to completely satisfy parental preference, despite working very hard to achieve this. I would therefore urge parents to carefully consider the preferences they make and to visit local schools before applying."

Parents are advised to check the county council's website for any updates to the published admission arrangements or timescales.

To apply online and for more information on school admissions log on to www.hertsdirect.org/admissions.

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