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Olympic Ticket Holders Warned to Keep Their Guard Up

Published: 20th June 2011 20:09

Hertfordshire Trading Standards is warning people to be on their guard from scams and unauthorised websites claiming to sell tickets for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

With official tickets now being allocated, criminals may use the opportunity to try to illegally resell tickets or offer unofficial tickets through bogus websites.

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) has issued advice to help people stay within the law and is providing a website checker at www.tickets.london2012.com, which will indicate whether a website claiming to sell tickets is genuine or not.

Ticket touts are likely to be subject to even harsher penalties with the Home Office announcing plans to increase fines from £5,000 to £20,000 and these proposals are currently in front of Parliament.

Richard Thake, Executive Member for Environment and Community Safety, said: "The Olympics will undoubtedly provide excitement, entertainment and sporting achievement but unfortunately it also provides an opportunity for criminal activity. The consequences of falling foul of scams are huge so I would urge the public to be on their guard and only buy and sell tickets through official LOCOG mechanisms.

"People should never give out their personal or financial details to anyone claiming to work for LOCOG and should report any suspicious activity immediately."

Some of the main points of advice from LOCOG:

* LOCOG will never contact you directly to ask for your personal or financial details for your ticketing account. If you receive an email, letter or phone call asking for these, please report it to brandprotection@london2012.com

* LOCOG's resale platform, the official London 2012 ticket exchange website, will be available early next year for anyone wishing to sell their tickets at face-value to those that want to buy them. This will be the only legal selling mechanism.

* Online ticketing safety tips are all up at: http://www.london2012.com/about-this-website/stay-safe-online.php

For further advice and information contact Consumer Direct on 08454 040506

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