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"Thank you for your support. The website looks great and hopefully it will generate some interest in the Over 30s 5 a-side project. It looks as if the AboutMyArea websites could be a great tool for pr..." more
- Joe Goude - Football Development Officer - Herts F.A.

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Music with Chiltern West Gallery Quire

Author: null null Published: 31st August 2012 18:12

Chiltern West Gallery Quire in 18th century Costume


Come along and join our friendly quire to learn more about West Gallery music. New singers and musicians are always welcome.


We sing and play the joyful music of the 18th century, composed by the village musicians who made up the 'church quires' described by Thomas Hardy in his novels.
We meet at the Free Church Hall, Welwyn Garden City on the second Saturday afternoons of each month.
For more details about us, see our website


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