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Munden House 10k and 5k in aid of Herts Air Ambulance

Published: 14th March 2013 15:27
Munden House 10k and 5k in Aid of Herts Air Ambulance


Munden HouseMunden House and grounds - venue for the Herts Air Ambulance fundraising event 


Kellystore Fun-Raisers have arranged a 10k & 5k run and walk on Bank holiday Monday 6th May to raise much needed funds for Herts Air Ambulance.  100% of all proceeds will go directly to this life-saving Charity that needs £130,000 every month to keep flying.  The Air Ambulance receives no direct funding from the Government nor the National Lottery, and relies on public donations. This event is a great opportunity to help keep the county's Helicopter Emergency Medical Service in the air. 


The owners of Munden House have kindly allowed the event to take place in their beautiful, private grounds, tucked between St. Albans and Watford. The off road, traffic free course will follow a route through oak woodland and across quintessential English parkland. There's a little twist at the end too, for those who need cooling off!

Wendy Marcon, Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust Events Manager, said: "We are delighted to be the chosen charity for Kellystore Fun-Raisers' next event. We encourage runners to get sponsored to help raise much needed funds for the life-saving helicopter. It is set to be a fun day out for all the family and there will even be a special landing by the Herts Air Ambulance, subject to operations, giving people the unique opportunity of seeing the helicopter up close and to meet the Air Crew."


Kellystore Fun-Raisers have so far raised over £100,000 for various charities. Their events are aimed at both serious and non-competitive runners alike with, challenging, fully marked, routes. All runners are chip timed and the results can be viewed immediately after finishing the race. There's also plenty of fun to be had for walkers and spectators.


If you feel like a break from the norm, want a less crowded, challenging off road run or just a wonderful walk in beautiful surroundings then why not enter this event in the knowledge that your contribution has helped to keep your county's Air Ambulance flying!


To register, or for more information (including times, costs, directions to the venue, sponsorship details, etc), please visit  the Kellystore website. 


Previous 10k Run at Munden House10k run at Munden House from an earlier year 


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