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Meet the Author at The Mary Rose!

Published: 26th July 2019 12:02
On Saturday 17th August, visitors to The Mary Rose will have the opportunity to meet children's author Patrice Lawrence!
Patrice will be at the museum for most of the day reading excerpts and signing copies of her latest book, Diver's Daughter - A Tudor Story. This story is a gripping adventure inspired by the story of the Mary Rose and is part of the VOICES series, which aims to highlight authentic, unsung stories of our past. 
No pre booking is required and this event is free with a valid Mary Rose ticket. Copies of her book will be availble in the shop. The latest details can be found here.
We hope to see you there! 
Patrice Lawrence
Diver's Daughter - A Tudor Story explores the life of a young East African girl, Eve, living with her mother in the Southwark slums of Elizabethan London. When they hear from a Mary Rose survivor, George Symon, that one of the African free-divers who was sent to salvage its treasures is alive and well and living in Southampton, mother and daughter agree to try and find him and attempt to dive the wreck of another shop, rumoured to be rich with treasures. But will the pair survive when George arrives to claim his ‘share'? Will Eve overcome her fear of the water to help rescue her mother?

In this thrilling adventure based on real events, Patrice Lawrence shows us a fascinating and rarely seen world that is sure to hook young readers.

 Cover for Divers Daughter - A Tudor Story
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