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Fibro Pals - Fibromyalgia Support Group

Published: 20th July 2009 09:20

Suffering alone with Fibromyalgia can be scary and sometime very isolating,

Having people to chat with who understand how you feel can make the world of difference.

It doesn't have to be like that anymore.

There are Support Groups out there hopefully local to you, where you can meet people who do understand what it's like when you have a bad flare up, who support each other, share laughter & tears and so much more.

Fibro Pals is here to support and bring together Fibromyalgia Support Groups in the South of England, also helping fellow sufferers find a Support Group local to them.

Fibro Pals Title 

We are a new non profit site created and run by a Fellow Fibromite, although we're new we are getting more interest from other areas, but so far The Support Group Connected so far with Fibro Pals are; Calne & District, Chichester, Chipping Norton, Horndean, Fareham, Gosport, Nene Valley (Northampton), Portsmouth, Reading, South Bucks & Southampton.

We have exclusive Support Group Members Only Chat Room & Forum Board and more.

If you don't belong to a support please don't be put off from joining we will try our best to

(a) Find you your nearest Support Group

(b) Support you as much as we can online.

We also welcome Family & Friends of Members as we recognise that our Family & Friends need support too. It can be as confusing and frustrating for carers.

So if you have Fibromyalgia or you have a Family member / Family who suffers from Fibromyalgia come on over and take a look

 For more information contact fibrohippy@fibropals.co.uk

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