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What you can and can’t do to your home if you’re renting

Published: 17th February 2015 13:52
What you can and can’t do to your home if you’re renting


Watch this video for tips and advice for people living in rented accommodation on how to ‘make it yours’ with Sophie Robinson – Interior Designer and TV presenter.

Interior design tips

Last year home ownership fell to its lowest level for 25 years, while numbers of those living in rented accommodation increased.

New research of 1000 renters by Heart of House at Argos has revealed that a third of tenants have lost hundreds of pounds by making changes to their rental property without asking their landlord’s permission; raising concerns about what you can and can’t do to a property if you’re renting.

But help is at hand – with guidance from the National Landlords Association, Sophie Robinson, Interior Designer and TV presenter has put together key tips and advice on how you can personalise your space without making drastic changes, and leave both you and your landlord happy.

Watch the video for tips on everything from bringing light into a room to contrasting textures and adding colour as well as tricks of the trade on how to organise and utilise your space.

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