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Fishing Bait Tested by a Non Angler

Published: 9th August 2010 21:42

This newsletter has been published on www.fisheriesdirect.com

Bait companies tell us that their baits are the best and that they know this as they get rigorously tested by top anglers, and there lies the problem.  So how can you really test baits so that there's no dependency on angler ability? Screamer Baits tested their new garlic flavoured hook pellets with someone that has never fished and this is what happened...

The Venue:     Ashcroft Wood, Chester NEW
The Novice:    Dave Spiers
Helping:           Phill Broderick, Fisheries Direct / Screamer Baits
The Bait:          Screamer Baits, Garlic Hook Pellets NEW


Pictures above: Ashcroft Wood Fishery, Chester (Details will soon be added to THE Directory).

Dave was armed with an eight metre pole and a tip rod both of which Phill set up, because remember Dave has never done this before.
Dave picked his peg and was quickly shown the mechanics and the art of fishing by Phill.   Armed with nothing more than a tub of Screamer Baits Garlic Soft Hook Pellets and 2mm feed pellets Dave set about his challenge, with very little hope.  However within two minutes there was an indication of a bite and then the float slowly slipped away.  This was treated with probably the wildest and latest strike I've ever seen!                 

This glimpse of catching spurred Dave on and the sudden determination paid dividends. 
I don't know if you can remember catching your first reasonable carp?  If you can then you'll remember the adrenaline and the panic...it's hard to forget. It was great fun watching Dave go through this for the first time and after around ten minutes of the fish running rings around him, Dave finally landed the fish!
After the first one the fish came in thick and fast and Dave became more hooked than the fish! The torrential rain didn't deter him either and I thought it would be highly amusing to forget to ask him if he wanted a brolly (just because I had to get my kicks somehow).


Dave pictured above with his catches

The First Weigh In..............  Although Dave now believes that he can win Fish O'Mania I'd like to think that the 50lb+ of fish he caught on the pole in 3 hrs had a little to do with the bait.
After being promoted to "pasty master" Dave tried his hand at tip fishing, given that it was going dark!  The "pasty master" was getting a bit smug at this stage with another dozen carp (all over 5lb) caught in an hour.  Top this off with a PB of 8lb 11oz and the vow of going out to buy his own fishing gear, I think we can safely say it was an all round good result. 

Thanks to Ashcroft Wood who will be soon opening their doors for exclusive lake bookings on both their match and specimen waters. For more information and offers on Ashcroft Wood keep an eye on our Directory or Call: 07939 922 018.

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