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Liverpool Theatre School Launches Search for New Talent

Published: 29th January 2021 12:15

Liverpool Theatre School is on the lookout for the next generation of stars as the Merseyside stage school launches online auditions for professional training programmes in contemporary dance, musical theatre and acting.

As part of the online auditions process, ambitious young hopefuls are being invited to submit a video performance, which could lead to a coveted place on a full-time professional training course at Liverpool Theatre School, starting in September.

Liverpool Theatre School - whose patrons include dance legend Wayne Sleep OBE and renowned West End theatre producer Bill Kenwright CBE - accepts only the most talented dancers, singers and actors. Rated ‘outstanding' in all areas by Ofsted, the stage school provides a range of training courses designed to teach young people the skills they need to pursue careers in the performing arts industry.

Prospective students are being invited to apply for professional diploma courses in contemporary dance, acting and musical theatre, which are all accredited by Trinity College London. Liverpool Theatre School, also has a limited number of places available on fully-funded BTEC courses in performing arts and musical theatre.

Liverpool Theatre School Students Perform on Stage 


Located on the edge of the city's creative quarter, Liverpool Theatre School is encouraging applicants from a diverse range of backgrounds to audition and there are bursaries available for students who require financial support.

Improving training opportunities for working class performers is part of the ethos at Liverpool Theatre School, the first stage school in the country to scrap audition fees, which can cost prospective students between £45 - £100.

Maxine Ellis, Principal at Liverpool Theatre School, is hoping to uncover some exceptional new talent during the online auditions for the next academic year. She said: "Liverpool Theatre School is all about discovering raw talent and equipping young performers with the skills they need to be able to build a career in the performing arts industry.

"Nurturing the next generation of performers has never been more important and we have a vital role to play in making sure all talented young people have the opportunity to reach their full potential, particularly during this challenging time. Supporting emerging new creative talent is key to protecting the future of the performing arts industry and we are really looking forward to discovering some real talent during our online auditions, which are free for all prospective students."

Liverpool Theatre School is just one of a handful of places in the country to offer an Andrew Lloyd Webber Scholarship for musical theatre and the stage school's graduates have gone on to appear in shows from the West End to Las Vegas. Auditions for Liverpool Theatre School normally take place face-to-face, however the process has shifted online due to the current Covid restrictions.

Talented young performers can find out more about Liverpool Theatre School and the online auditions process during a virtual open evening next week, which will offer a virtual tour of the school's state-of-the-art facilities and a live Q&A session. Prospective students are required to register in advance for the online event, which is set to take place at 5pm on Wednesday 3rd February.

To find out more about Liverpool Theatre School or to register for the virtual open evening, email info@liverpoolcentralstudios.com or call 0151 728 7800.


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