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iROC Adventure Race

Published: 1st February 2009 14:48

The very first iROCTM will take place on the 18th & 19th of April 2009.

logo iROCTM will be an innovative and exciting adventure racing weekend taking place in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the Durham Dales, and featuring six different races that will include mountain biking, running and orienteering. Points will be awarded for places and there will be a £2,000 prize pot for the overall winners across all six races!
Uniquely, all but one of the races will have a mass start and will pass back through the event centre at least once before finishing. This will ensure that iROCTM offers the best adventure race spectating ever seen in the UK. Each race will be between one and four hours long. They will be as hard as you make them... intense, or just challenging experiences that will contrast hugely with the relaxed, chilled-out atmosphere of the event centre.
There will also be six mini races that will share the start and excitement of the main races, but they will be much shorter and designed for maximum fun and ideal for your friends and family, who may wish to do more than just spectate! The social focus for the weekend will be the Saturday night activities, which will include three night races ( bring your headtorch! ), live music and a late bar.

There will be a simple charging structure that will include race entry, camping, parking and access to the Saturday night entertainment. You can choose to race as an individual, pair or as a team of 3. If you enter as a team or pair your individual scores in each race will be added together to create an overall team/pair score. As well as the prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd, there will be spot prizes and a goody bag supplied by sponsors for all entrants.

photoView of Eastgate in the Durham Dales.

iROC will be held at Eastgate in the Durham Dales at a brilliant new venue, which has never had public access before, let alone an adventure race! This venue is a former cement works site that is surrounded by stunning moorland set in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The site itself is largely hidden from view but is complete with a large quarry, steep hillsides with complex contour features, forest and a perfect event centre location at the bottom of the valley.

A new adventure to look forward to in the New Year !!  

For more details, visit the iROC Race website or phone 01388 744900.


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