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North West Fishing Report - 15th December

Author: fisheriesdirect.com Published: 15th December 2009 09:12
I'm starting off at the ever popular Wyreside Fishery this week. This fantastic fishery is still producing good catches of carp to visiting anglers even during the colder weather. Sally Hughes, General Manager, has sent pictures of a great session for Barry ‘Gummy Bear' Davidson (why?!) who took 3 fish, all over 20lbs with the biggest coming to the bank at 28lbs! The others were worthy captures of 23lbs and 26lbs, so not a bad session really.....All the fish were taken on fruity pop ups, presented on size 8 long shank hooks surrounded by a few bottom baits to get them going. Heavy rain showers made the fishing hard work, so congratulations to Barry for sticking it out. Book in at Wyreside for big carp or big pike on 01524 792093 or take a peek at http://www.wyresidelakes.co.uk for the latest information.


                        Barry Davidson with part of his 3 fish haul!

Ever fished a small pool that has thrown up a surprise? Lee Watson did just that when he found a free fishing half acre lake near his hometown of Bolton. A new p.b. of 33lbs 10ozs came as a result of opportunist fishing after Lee spotted the fish mooching about in the shallows and decided to stalk it. Getting the fish to feed confidently in a quiet area of the pool was the first problem, so Lee patiently flicked out a couple of baits every few minutes before presenting an Essential B5 pop up on a hair rig with the line draped over the remains of the weed stems and lilies to hide it. Lee tells me that watching the fish hovering over his bait before taking it and crashing off nearly gave him heart failure! A short fight ended with a cracking lump in the net of which Lee was rightly proud. Unfortunately Lee's camera skills are not as good as his angling, and the pictures are not so good. I've got them, and it really is a monster, but not high enough quality to be published sadly...


There is nothing worse than packing up to see another angler take a monster from the peg you've just left... Unlucky then Andrew Gilliver, who took 6 fish to more than 17lbs and lost another 3 before letting visitor George Cook move into his vacated swim. On his very first visit to Four Seasons fishery near Blackpool, George slipped the net under a 26lb new lake record within 10 minutes of casting out! Popped up wrigglers did the damage, leaving a slightly miffed Andrew to congratulate the captor! The big one beat George's personal best by over 10lbs so I suppose a little dance was done! To be fair, Andrew had the ‘Swirly Common' at its best weight yet of 17lbs 6ozs, so its not all bad news! An unusually marked carp, its easily recognised if you fancy a crack at it. Contact Ben or Jon on 01253 894357 or visit their website http://www.fourseasonsfisheries.co.uk/ for details of the special winter rates and the latest news.



George with his 26 lb'er

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