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Good home improvement for Norfolk

Published: 31st August 2010 15:01

I love Norfolk and there really is no reason to have a dull home. As we slowly come out of the recession home improvement has had a big boost. Many people are choosing to upgrade their much loved 'castles'.

There's  so much that can be improved. Here's a quick look at some of my favourites broken down into sections:


A house really can quickly transformed by putting in a new floor and the great thing is it's affordable and you can do it yourself

Flooring Supplies - Perfect for putting in some lush new engineered wood flooring.


Great furniture can really lift a room and put a smile of your face. There's plenty to choose from:

Pine Solutions - Based in Norwich this online-only retailer has some excellent deals on great pieces including white furniture - which is very popular at the moment.

Antique Chair Shop - If you're looking antiques chairs this place is great. Just outside Norwich (NR15 1EB)


There's plenty of choice in Norfolk. Choose from a range of landscape gardeners available at differing costs. There's also plenty of garden stores including B&Q, Homebase, Godfreys and Urban Jungle


I love lights. My favourite store is Norwich Lighting Centre.

Windows and Doors

I recently got a total refit. I fully recommend Windows Plus which did an outsanding job and were very tidy.

What are your favourite home improvement stores in and around Norfolk.

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