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Guide Dogs at School

Published: 28th May 2009 22:13

Guide Dog Logo 

Guide Dogs at School - 19 June 2009 - 'Paws' for a day with us.

Guide Dogs is launching a brand new event for schools to take part in.

Guide Dogs at School!

Your school is invited to 'paws' for a day, and

*Get involved with Guide Dogs

*Find out what our amazing dogs do, and how!

*Understand what it's like to be blind

*Support our work

*Meet a Guide Dogs speaker (and maybe a dog or pup!)

labrador puppy

The official Guide Dogs at School day is 19 June 2009 (but if you're busy, just pick any day when you can!).

We've put together a cross-curricular, multimedia activities pack to help you make the day fun, informative and interactive. It includes activity sheets, posters and stickers to help youngsters understand the work we do, and get an insight into the lives of blind and partially-sighted people ­ and how they can be transformed with a guide dog. There's also lots of ideas for ways your school can help Guide Dogs, by fundraising for us.

You can register to take part in Guide Dogs at School here.

To discuss further or to arrange a Guide Dog speaker call your local fundraising team on 0870 600 2323.

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