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Sutton Flower Festival and ART EXHIBITION 2016

Author: Faysie Published: 27th July 2015 16:10

The Annual Flower Festival and exhibition of local artwork will take place in All Saints' Church, Sutton, near Biggleswade and Potton, on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th September, when the church will be open from 10.30 am to 5 pm. This year's theme for the floral displays will be entitled "A Celebration of the Benefice of Sutton, Potton and Cockayne Hatley".  There will be a variety of stalls to browse in the garden opposite the church and refreshments will be available in the afternoons.  Admission is free.

The famous Sutton Duck Race will take place at 3 pm on Sunday 27th September, from the ancient Packhorse Bridge over Sutton Ford.  Tickets to sponsor ducks are now available from Gabi, on 01767 260059, and from Derek, on 01767 261742, with the prizes £150 for the first duck home and £50 and £25 respectively for the second and third winners.  Bring the family and cheer the ducks on!

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