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Sport England Chair welcomes Sir Keith Mills appointment

Published: 7th February 2011 09:47
On 2nd February, Sport England's Chair, Richard Lewis, welcomed the appointment of Sir Keith Mills to the Project Board established to manage the merger of Sport England and UK Sport, which is due to be completed by April 1, 2013.

Sir Keith will chair the group, whose remaining members will be the chairs and chief executives of Sport England and UK Sport and a representative of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

Sport England logo

Richard Lewis said:

"Sir Keith's appointment is excellent news and very welcome, particularly given the extensive sporting knowledge and expertise that he brings alongside his vast business experience. Jennie Price and I look forward to working with him to secure the best possible outcome for sport as a whole, building on the progress which is being made at both a community and elite level."

Minister for Sport and the Olympics, Hugh Robertson MP, said:

"It is fantastic to have Sir Keith Mills as Chair of the Project Board. His unparalleled business experience, combined with a detailed knowledge of our sporting landscape, means he is the perfect person to oversee this work. The structure of sport in this country must be rationalised and, going forward, it does not make sense to have two organisations, operating out of different and expensive central London locations with the associated administrative costs. I also want to capture the commercial opportunities generated by London 2012 to sport thereafter. I have no doubt Sir Keith will manage this with his customary expertise."

Sir Keith's main responsibilities will be to ensure the project delivers a merged body that incorporates the current responsibilities of Sport England and UK Sport for community and elite sport respectively, while maintaining distinct English and UK funding streams, which deliver even more value for money for the Government and the public.

The Project Board will also ensure that the perspective of stakeholders including the devolved administrations, Home Country Sports Councils, sport's national governing bodies, local authorities and other organisations with a significant role in the delivery of sport is properly considered during the formation of the merged organisation.

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