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New Community Rugby Coaches for North East

Published: 22nd July 2009 14:59
Rugby Union development in the North East and Yorkshire will see a major expansion over the coming weeks, with seven new Community Rugby Coaches taking the total number in post to 31.
logoWhile international rugby is the focus of media attention, the elite end of the game is only a small part of the investment being made to bring rugby to all sectors of the community. The perception of rugby union as a middle-class sport has long been outdated and inaccurate, with players from all backgrounds being involved at all levels from grass-roots club rugby to the Guinness Premiership and beyond. And as the development of the Community Rugby programme underlines, the game is now reaching out as never before to strengthen its claims to be a totally inclusive sport in which there is a place for anyone and everyone.

Women's rugby has never been so well resourced; inner-city projects bringing the game to under-privileged youngsters are numerous; and only recently one of the growing number of tournaments for people with moderate learning difficulties was held on The Close at Rugby School, where William Webb Ellis is credited with first handling the ball and creating the game.

Now, Northumberland coaching provision will consist of two full time CRCs - a new post in North Northumberland now filled by Mark Watson, who has moved from the full-time role in the Newcastle and North Tyneside area - with three part-time positions, one of them being the girls' and women's post occupied by Tamara Taylor, the region's England International player.

badge In Durham, Laura Coleman's post in Durham City will be expanded to take in Derwentside, & Chester-le-Street; Peter Ramsey is a recent part-time appointment in Wear Valley and Teesdale; the post of CRC in Easington, Peterlee and Sedgefield is currently being advertised, while Hartlepool will shortly be getting a new man to join the NE team.

In Yorkshire the county is covered by five Rugby Development Officers and their respective CRCs, with new posts including the York and Selby area; Ripon, Harrogate & Knaresborough in the North; and two new posts in West Yorkshire - one of which will be a girls' and women's post in the Leeds/West Yorkshire area. South Yorkshire is looking to employ another officer in Barnsley and a new full-time post is in the pipeline for Bradford. East Yorkshire is expanding its provision to include Scarborough Whitby & Bridlington.
badgeMatthew Carter, the Regional Rugby Development Manager for the North East and Yorkshire says:
A lot of resources are being directed to grass-roots projects which will ensure that we are taking the game to all communities in the North East and Yorkshire and guaranteeing that the game is completely 'inclusive', with no barriers of any kind where young people are concerned.... our aim is to deliver the game to the widest range of people possible.
We are continuing to devote substantial time, effort and funding into helping people to get involved in the game as a social player, volunteer, referee, coach and spectator. We are also hoping that people join a club and tap into a social infrastructure that will become part of their lives. The new staff will help us to improve that service and promote further diversity."

For further information on the new Community Rugby Coaching posts, contact Matt Carter by e-mail or ring on 0191 433 6960 or 0191 433 6961;  Mobile - 07740 565 068.
Editor's Note : there is already a Community Rugby Coach for Sunderland - Matthew Fieldhouse, based at Sunderland RFC.


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