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Paralympics Trigger Disabled Sport Survey In Northants

Author: Graeme Wilson Published: 8th August 2012 16:55

Mandeville in Towcester last month.Mandeville in Towcester last month.

In the lead up to the Paralympic Games Northamptonshire Sport & Northamptonshire Federation of Disability Sport (NFDS) are carrying out some research to find out current levels of participation in sport  amongst people with disabilities in the county aged 14+ & barriers that maybe prevent them from doing more.
This research will hopefully help to signpost people towards existing opportunities they are maybe not aware of as well as creating new ones which will help reduce the frightening statistic that currently only 1 in 6 people with disabilities in the country aged 14+ participate in sport once a week! This is in contrast to 1 in 3 without disabilities.
The findings of this research will also help provide evidence of need for funding  applications that if successful could be used to create new opportunities for people with disabilities in Northants.
Please follow this link to find the survey http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/N9FDXQF.
If you are aged 14 or over & have a disability then please help us out by completing the survey by Tuesday 28th August as these initial findings will be used towards a Sport England disability themed round funding application currently being written ahead of submission by the deadline on 31st August.
Anybody aged under 14 with a disability can still complete the survey as would be good to get a well rounded view of disability sport in the county by all ages & after all these younger people are the adults of the future! The information can be inputted by Parents, or Carers of the person with disabilities if needs be, but it’s important that the responses reflect their views as that’s what hopefully future plans will be based upon as with any other customer driven industries.
Everybody else if you know people with disabilities who could complete the survey then please get them to do so either online, or via a hard copy which can be printed off, or sent to you if you let me know where you’d like them delivering & how many you’d like. Then once completed you can either post them back to the address shown below, or I can collect them from you so the information can be inputted online.
Equally if you’re organising any events over the next few weeks where there are likely to be people from the target market (aged 14+ with a disability) attending at which you’d be happy for me to carry out the survey with them then please again let me know.
Finally if you can please forward this on to anyone else you know who could assist with the research & share the link via websites, Facebook pages, Twitter & any other mediums available to you it would be much appreciated by all concerned.
If you have any further questions the please don’t hesitate to contact me, but if not many thanks in advance for your help with this!

Graeme Wilson
Sports Development Officer
Northamptonshire Sport
John Dryden House
8-10 The Lakes

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