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Tows Struggle In The Heat Away To ON's

Author: Crispin Slee Published: 11th September 2012 10:11

Tows fighting back at ON's in the heat last SaturdayTows fighting back at ON's in the heat last Saturday

ON’s  36   Towcestrians  13

In this eagerly anticipated derby clash Tows failed to do themselves justice, producing a performance which lacked confidence and bite.  

Going behind to an early Try Tows struggled to keep possession.  Tows failed to make their mark on the game until a James Falvey penalty gave the visitors something to work on, however a lack of finishing and rapacious tackling from the ON’s backs saw several promising moves come to nothing.

A kick ahead bounced favourably for ONs allowing Tows to concede a soft Try, converted again by Rose.
Failing to clear their lines resulted in pressure on Tows and after a weak penalty attempt from Rose that fell short of the posts, Tows knocked the ball on gifting a 3rd Try for the merciless hosts.

Falvey gave Tows a lift with a huge penalty making the score 19-6, but with incapacitated 2nd row Dan Banks leaving the field Tows struggled to cope with ON’s forwards who had the upper hand and the downward slope.   A forwards surge was capitalised by the ON’s scrum half with a further try.

Tows dug in to eventually score by using the width of the pitch, Chrissie George cross kicking the ball into the arms of Dave Stocks who dotted down.  Falvey again successful with the boot.

Rose replied with another penalty, and a Tows attempt to run from their own line, but their disappointing afternoon was summed up by a further ON’s converted Try.

The editor of AboutMyArea/NN12 lugged his cameras in the heat on Saturday to get some snaps of Tows first team away to ONs - see the pictures of the game, or in the slideshow below.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Tows 2nds 116     ONs 3rds 12

Ben Nichols scored 6 Tries in this miss match.

ONs IV 14     Tows III 41


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