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Are you ready for the 2023 MotoGP at Silverstone

Author: Northants Police Published: 2nd August 2023 12:12

The 2023 Monster Energy British Grand Prix MotoGP arrives in the county this weekend and officers from Northamptonshire Police are issuing advice to those planning to make their way to Silverstone.

The 2023 Monster Energy British Grand Prix MotoGP arrives in the county this weekend and officers from Northamptonshire Police are issuing advice to those planning to make their way to Silverstone.

More than 100,000 people are expected to descend on the South Northamptonshire circuit for the three-day event between August 4-6, and the Force wants to ensure that everyone in attendance enjoys a safe and crime-free visit.

Detective Superintendent Richard Tompkins is the event commander for Northamptonshire Police and oversees the policing operation for the British Grand Prix MotoGP.

He said: “Working closely with the event organisers at Silverstone, other emergency services and partner agencies, our priority is to ensure everyone has a crime-free, safe, and enjoyable experience as possible.

“We will have a large policing presence in and around the circuit and wider community over the three days, as well as 100,000 extra pairs of eyes and ears, which means anyone thinking of committing a crime will get caught.

“With other UK sporting events targeted by unlawful protest activity this summer, we cannot afford to be complacent, and we would therefore encourage everyone play their part too by checking out our safety advice and crime prevention tips.

“More importantly, if you spot something which does not feel right, trust your gut instinct, and report it to us, or a member of the Silverstone team, straightaway. We would rather it be nothing than you have not told us at all.”

Some of the simple steps people can take to protect themselves and their possessions before they arrive at the circuit and throughout the event include:

Vehicle crime prevention


  • Thieves often steal a bike by breaking the steering lock and wheeling it away. There are various locks to help prevent this such as disc, grip, chain, and D locks
  • Using a cover instantly makes a bike less attractive and can also provide another time-consuming obstacle for a thief
  • Always remove the ignition keys, even if you are close by or away for a few minutes. It only takes a few seconds for a thief to strike so don’t make it easy for them
  • Consider fitting a Thatcham-rated 1 or 2 alarm system with tracking, immobilisation, anti-grab and movement sensors to help protect and trace your vehicle

Other vehicles:

  • Do not leave any property on display in vehicles. What may not be valuable to you, could be valuable to someone else
  • Most vehicle crime is opportunistic. Do not make it easy for them. Think – Remove it, Lock it, Keep it
  • Make sure you close your windows and lock your car, put your alarm on and use any visible security device, like a steering wheel lock


  • If you cannot live without your smart phone, tablet, or laptop, make sure you protect it. Download an anti-theft app before you set off; most are free, quick to install and will give us the best chance of finding your phone and hopefully catching the person who took it. To find and install an app go to your app store and search ‘anti-theft’
  • Before you leave, make sure someone back home has details of the make and model of your phone, its IMEI number and any password. Also note down the account username and password of your tracking app
  • When you arrive at Silverstone, please remember to be discreet with your phone and keep it out of sight
  • Register your property on www.immobilise.com. It takes only a few minutes and is free. Use a UV pen to write your postcode and house number on your stuff – it is invisible to the human eye but if your gadget comes into a police station, we will check it with our lights and return it to you

Tent security

  • Tents are, by their very nature, not secure. If you are spending a lot of time wandering around the venue, then your tent will spend a lot of time alone
  • Download What 3 Words App and make a note of your grid reference when you pitch your tent on site
  • Do not leave your valuables in your tent when it is unattended
  • Leave your tent untidy; do not make it easy for a thief to grab a bag with everything in it
  • Remove your wallet or purse from any clothing and keep it close to you while you sleep. Consider investing in a money belt which you can wear while you sleep
  • Consider purchasing some purse bells or purse alarms that activate when your purse is removed so you can hear if it is being stolen

Personal safety

  • Be aware of your surroundings and who is around you when you are paying for things. If you do need to use cash, do not take more money than you need. Most vendors accept contactless payments, or you can pay for items on your card
  • While walking around the site and campsites try and stay with friends, especially at night. Stick to walking in well-lit areas where possible
  • Be aware of your surroundings. We would advise against wandering around wearing headphones
  • Consider the need to carry around a personal attack alarm - some are available with a torch
  • Do not challenge people looking through tents - report them to police or the Silverstone campsite/circuit staff


  • Please have a good time but remember that one drink too many can lead to problems – not least forgetting where your tent is. You can also become more vulnerable to assault or robbery when drunk – so try not to have too much alcohol and keep aware of your surroundings
  • Northamptonshire Roads Policing and Safer Roads Team will be out and about across the county so know your limits and don’t be tempted to drink and drive

For more helpful crime prevention or safety advice, visit www.northants.police.uk

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