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Aramco Future Tech Exhibit to Launch at Silverstone Museum During British Grand Prix Weekend

Author: Amanda Ohare Published: 5th July 2024 08:34

The Aramco Future Tech exhibit is set to debut at Silverstone Museum over the British Grand Prix weekend.


The Aramco Future Tech exhibit is set to debut at Silverstone Museum over the British Grand Prix weekend. This state-of-the-art, technology-based exhibit promises to captivate visitors with its cutting-edge interactive 3D screens and immersive experiences that showcase the exciting future of motor racing.

The exhibit, launched in collaboration with strategic partner, Aramco, will offer an insight into the innovations hoped to transform the world of motorsport, including a comprehensive look at the upcoming 2026 Formula 1 regulation changes. Designed to educate and inspire, the exhibit illustrates how innovation has the potential to foster a more efficient and technologically advanced future for racing, and to reduce emissions throughout the sport.

Silverstone Museum CEO Phil Lawrie, said: “We are incredibly excited to partner with Aramco to bring the Future Tech exhibit to life at Silverstone Museum. This exhibit not only celebrates the innovative spirit of motor racing but also educates our visitors on the pivotal changes being addressed by the sport. It is a unique opportunity to learn more about the future of racing in an interactive and informative way.”

Aramco Europe President & CEO Mazin Dabbagh, said: “We are delighted to be able to work with the Silverstone Museum on this wonderful new exhibit, which highlights the role played by innovation in motorsport. We hope that this exhibit helps to tell that story in an engaging and informative way, inspiring the next generation of engineers, technologists and drivers working across this incredible sport.”

Visitors to the exhibit will have the opportunity to engage with interactive 3D screens that provide an immersive educational experience. These screens will feature dynamic content, including videos, simulations, and interactive modules that explore the science behind the sport and the specifics of the 2026 F1 regulations. The exhibit is designed to be both informative and engaging, making it suitable for racing enthusiasts of all ages.

The launch of the Aramco Future Tech exhibit, coinciding with the British Grand Prix weekend at Silverstone, underlines the ongoing collaboration between Silverstone Museum and Aramco, and highlights their shared vision for a more technologically advanced future in motorsport. The exhibit complements the Museum’s existing Tech Lab, enhancing its STEM education sessions, and educating visitors on the wide variety of careers available in the industry.

For more information about the Aramco Future Tech exhibit and visiting Silverstone Museum, please visit https://www.silverstonemuseum.co.uk/

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